Memorable AGM and Conference 2024 in Budapest

ASCE Conference 2024
The event offered inspiring cultural programs, historical tours, and engaging discussions on Cemeteries as Cultural Spaces of European Remembrance.

Just 3 years have passed and the team from National Heritage Institute of Hungary again organised a splendid AGM in Budapest. While the perfect organisation was already anticipated as we are used to their professionalism, they managed to show new inspiring highlights and cultural wonders of the Hungarian capital city.

Guided tours provided deep insights into various historical times of Hungary, all the time connecting it to the European wide context. Topping it all with understanding of cultural relationships and differences through food delights during lunch breaks and gala dinner. Most of all the cultural program in the Fiumei road Graveyard revealed how the cemetery can be a perfect stage for various night performances.

Conference inspired and served the professionals from various aspects of cemeteries. Touristic, artistic, historical, architectural and other topics merged but kept the same focus of Cemeteries as Cultural Spaces of European Remembrance.

The Annual General Geeting report can be found at the next link.

➤ AGM report

Conference: Cemeteries as Cultural Spaces of European Remembrance

The annual conference of ASCE took place on 20th September in the Hungarian National Museum in Budapest. Inspiring environment of the museum with prominent speakers and presentations provoked thoughtful discussions that continued for a long time after the official end of the conference.

Splendid organisation by the team of the National Heritage Institute of Hungary helped participants join their preferred topics and enjoy the conversations during the lunch break.

The 23 presentations are available for your further study at the following link.

➤ Conference presentations

Photos of AGM and Conference 2024

Inspiring programs full of most prominent cultural and historical highlights along with meetings of cemeteries and cultural management provided perfect scenery. Excellent photography team made sure that each moment was recorded for a collection of our most precious memories.

At the link below you can find the full photo album of ASCE AGM and Conference 2024.

➤ Event photos

AGM 2024 report

AGM 2024 in Budapest, Hungary
On September 19th, the ASCE Annual General Meeting took place in Budapest, Hungary within the organisation of the National Heritage Institute of Hungary.

Over 50 participants joined the meeting and members' attendance quorum requirement was reached in the second call.

The AGM was preceded by Mrs Lidija Pliberšek, president of ASCE, and all steering committee members were present or gave proxy to other members. During the AGM several things were outlined and discussed:


  • Welcome speech by ASCE president, Mrs Lidija Pliberšek.
  • Welcome speech by host, Mr Gábor Móczár.

2.Presidency and Steering Committee activities 2022 / 2023

  • Steering Committee meetings and sessions
  • AGM 2023 in Mantua, Italy
  • Attendance at TANEXPO
  • Attendance to SEFIT meeting
  • Roundtable discussion titled "Who Oversees the Restoration of Graves"
  • Conference in Belgrade
  • International conference on Cemetery studies
  • Cultural Routes Training Seminar for national stakeholders
  • Member visit: Krakow, The old Cemetery of Podgorze

3. Financial report and budget

4. ASCE administration and European Cemeteries Route activities

  • Administration work overview
  • IT and ARTOUR development
  • Cultural routes workgroups and cooperation

5. Projects and activities

6. New members and significant cemeteries

7. Week of discovering European Cemeteries 2024 / 25

8. Significant cemeteries for sustainable Europe and Gardens of 80

9. AGM 2025

10. Voting and conclusions

Members engaged in various debates on topics during and after the AGM, confirming the report and plans for the future work of ASCE. Detailed program and AGM presentation can be accessed in this link.

AGM was followed by a guided tour in the National Park of Mourning and evening guided tour in the Buda Castle by night.

AGM 2024: Useful information

Daily program, venue locations, transportation options, and other useful information about the AGM and Conference 2024, taking place from 19 to 21 September in Budapest, Hungary.

This year's AGM and Conference is quickly approaching. To ensure your visit to Budapest and participation in the event are as pleasant and stress-free as possible, we have compiled all the essential information in one place - including the daily program, venue locations, and transportation options.

You can download the document in PDF format at the following link:

AGM & Conference 2024 Guide

For any questions, please contact

*Photo source:

The T900 project: A bridge between generations

T900 project at Certosa Monumental Cemetery in Bologna
The T900 project, promoted by the Associazione Amici della Certosa di Bologna, aims to preserve the memory of the Certosa Monumental Cemetery in Bologna through art.

A place of memory

The Certosa Monumental Cemetery, which houses many of the Bologna families of the past, is an architectural work of great artistic and historical value. The tombs found here, true funerary artistic works, are designated MONUMENTUM, in Latin REMEMBRANCE, a place of memory and testimony for future generations.

About the T900 project

The project promoted by the Associazione Amici della Certosa di Bologna, focusing on individual significant tombs from the 20th century, aims to create a bridge between the past, present, and future, and to preserve over time the MEMORY that has been entrusted to us.

Through the active and direct participation of students, members of the Association, and Bologna citizens, a pilot project has come to life, aimed at increasing awareness of a growing number of funerary monuments. T900, conceived and coordinated by architect Francisco Pérez Amitrano, Vice President of the Association, has benefited from the collaboration of the Museo civico del Risorgimento of the Municipality of Bologna.

It has been presented at the Certosa with new itineraries, coinciding with the Week of Discovering European Cemeteries at the end of the school year.

Public presentation and archiving

In 2024, for the second consecutive year, students and teachers from the high school Liceo Artistico F. Arcangeli of Bologna, along with researchers and photographers from the Association, publicly presented their participation in the "Tombs ’900" project: students with graphic drawings and renderings of the tombs, and members with archival research and high-quality photographic documentation.

The collected materials are preserved by the Associazione Amici della Certosa with a dual intent: to build a growing archive for the benefit of the community and to foster in young students the MEMORY of their city.

Schools on Cemeteries

The Associazione Amici della Certosa di Bologna actively participates in the ASCE Schools on Cemeteries project and the T900 project is an excellent example of how to involve schoolchildren and youth in learning and preservation of cultural heritage in cemeteries through art.

The Pedagogical Suitcase project at Barcelona cemeteries

Schools on Cemeteries in Barcelona
In 2024, Cementiris de Barcelona has expanded its educational services by introducing the Pedagogical Suitcase project, designed to bring funeral culture into schools.

Offering educational activities in schools

Cementiris de Barcelona is an active participant in the ASCE Schools on Cemeteries project and a member of Barcelona City Council's Pedagogical Innovation Council. 

Since 2013, they have been offering educational activities in schools to bring pupils closer to the funerary heritage of the cemeteries, reflecting Barcelona's historical evolution. Over the last few years, these activities have been developed and adapted to meet the needs of the school curriculum. 

In 2020, as a result of the Covid-19 epidemic, they took a step forward by creating three additional activities, allowing young people to express the concept of death from an artistic and creative perspective through the study and research of cemeteries. During this challenging time, there was a growing need to naturalise death and break existing taboos, which led many schools to turn to their pedagogical activities.

Own educational project

Barcelona is a city rich in cultural and museum offerings, and the range of educational activities provided by cultural organisations in schools is wide and varied. In response to this, Cementiris de Barcelona developed its own educational project aimed at all levels of education. This initiative enables the development of a range of basic skills to complement school education.

The cemeteries of Poblenou and Montjuïc, listed as monumental cemeteries by the Council of Europe and part of the European Cemeteries Route, offer students the opportunity to learn about the most important historical, social and cultural events in the history of Barcelona and its most illustrious figures.

These programs also encourage a critical view of societies and their organisations, promote open conversations about death, and foster respect for artistic and cultural heritage.

Collection of Hearses and El Fossar de la Pedrera

Another of the outstanding spaces in which educational activities are carried out is the Collection of Hearses, a unique heritage site in Europe. Here, visitors can explore the evolution of funeral rituals to better understand the change in mentality towards the concept of death, as well as learn about gender roles within the funeral world, particularly focusing on the role of widows.

Additionally, within Montjuïc Cemetery lies one of the main memorials to the victims of Franco's regime in Catalonia, El Fossar de la Pedrera. This site offers an opportunity to delve into one of the most impactful episodes in recent history, the Spanish Civil War, raising students' awareness of the violence that can be inflicted by the state.

The diversity of activities and the historical and heritage value of the cemeteries have also attracted schools from France, Germany, Belgium, and Italy, who have brought their pupils to explore Barcelona's cemeteries.

The Pedagogical Suitcase project

In 2024, Cementiris de Barcelona has expanded its educational services by introducing the Pedagogical Suitcase during the current academic year. This set of pedagogical tools is designed to bring funeral culture into schools and address bereavement among younger students.

The activities are structured for classroom learning and can be followed by visits to the cemetery, allowing students to experience firsthand what they have learned in class and gain a deeper understanding of their role in society.

The goal of these activities is to help students engage with a reality that affects everyone equally, while understanding that, although death is a universal event, there is a great diversity of ways to approach and experience it.

Additionally, the program familiarises students with different religious traditions, encourages them to reflect on their own lives and values, and helps them develop better emotional management by exploring the range of emotions that bereavement can evoke.

Educational activities for kids at Vienna Central Cemetery

Vienna Central Cemetery
Discover the diverse program of interesting and educational activities for children, taking place at the Vienna Central Cemetery in 2024.

150 years of Vienna Central Cemetery

In 2024, Vienna Central Cemetery celebrates its 150th anniversary. To mark this significant milestone, a year-long program of special activities has been organized, placing a strong emphasis on the official WDEC 2024 theme Environmental sustainability and climate change

Since the cemetery is also an active participant in the Schools on Cemeteries project, there are many activities tailored specifically for schools and children of all ages. A selection of these activities is highlighted below, while the entire program can be found at this LINK.

Open Beehive Day

What's buzzing there? The bees of the Vienna Central Cemetery are in their spring dress. The beekeepers are at least as hard-working as the bees themselves and are happy to be able to offer a colorful program.

There is a lot to learn, for example about the importance of bees for the environment and pollination of plants, about the development and lifestyle of bees and of course about beekeeping. What are bee products like beeswax, propolis and royal jelly?

We are offering craft stations for children and small snacks and drinks available.

Art Adventure Workshops

In this workshop we paint in acrylic and with fluorescent night-glow paints on canvas.

In the inspiring surroundings of Vienna's Central Cemetery, we create a cool picture that is reminiscent of the unique workshop even weeks after it was created.

Urban Gardening Workshops

Important basics on watering, mulching, hoeing, fertilizing and weeding in organic vegetable growing. Determining soil composition with simple tests: which soil should I work with? Seasonal calendar: Basics of how a gardening season works, what happens when? Use of home remedies in the garden and basic knowledge of identifying beneficial insects and pests as well as recognizing important characteristics of vegetable plants. 

With a joint open question and answer session/exchange.

The sound of birds

Not only the dreamy voices of blackbirds can be admired at the Vienna Central Cemetery, but also, depending on the weather and season, owls, swifts, marsh harriers and sometimes the rare hoopoe with its magnificent headdress.

It's best to come equipped with binoculars or a keen ear to get to know the diverse world of birds that use the central cemetery as their refuge.

Cemetery nature for kids

The natural garden of the Vienna Central Cemetery is a very special place. Its extensive, natural meadows provide a protected habitat for numerous animals. We are sure to hear it chirping, fluttering and rustling in the bushes and, with a bit of luck, see deer, field hamsters, hedgehogs, pheasants and butterflies.

This natural paradise is also perfect for getting to know lots of wild herbs, bushes and trees in a playful way and discovering with all our senses what they can be used for. Which plants are edible, which are used as medicine, as a fragrance or even for making clothes.

 A cozy herbal picnic concludes our nature exploration tour.

New Guillotière Cemetery at WorldSkills Lyon 2024

WorldSkills Lyon 2024
As part of the WorldSkills 2024 event, the Municipality of Lyon will host two workshops at the New Guillotière Cemetery in Lyon, France.

About the WorldSkills event

WorldSkills is an international competition that brings together young professionals from around the globe to showcase their expertise in a variety of skilled trades and vocational disciplines. It serves as a platform to promote global standards in education and industry skills. This year, the event will take place in Lyon, France, from September 10 to 15, 2024, featuring competitions, workshops, and exhibitions that highlight technical and vocational skills.

Workshops at the New Guillotière Cemetery

As part of the WorldSkills 2024 event and the company open days on September 13 and 14, the Municipality of Lyon, a member of ASCE, will host two unique workshops at the New Guillotière Cemetery in Lyon, France.

The first workshop invites attendees to stroll through the cemetery's tranquil paths, where they will discover famous tombs, renaturation efforts, and various traces of history with the help of a dedicated guide using the mobile app ARtour.

While the cemetery itself is a place of beauty and history, the work behind the scenes is equally vital. The second workshop focuses on the administrative side of cemetery management, offering a rare glimpse into the services and professions that are sometimes hidden from public view.

For additional information, please contact

Cemeteries as versatile places of learning

The Guillotière Nouveau Cemetery’s participation in WorldSkills Lyon 2024 is a testament to the diverse educational opportunities cemeteries offer. Beyond their traditional role, cemeteries serve as valuable resources for learning about art, history, architecture, flora, and fauna. Additionally, they provide insights into various professions and skills and demonstrate how modern technology can be effectively used to enrich the learning experience.

Cemeteries for sustainable Europe 2024: Environmental sustainability and climate change

Green Cemeteries
The WDEC 2024 theme and part of the ASCE initiative "Cemeteries for Sustainable Europe", launched in 2024 to promote the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

WDEC 2024 and the United Nations goal 11

For centuries, cemeteries have been the green oases of the cities. All through the industrial revolution, while cities were expanding the concrete and glass building, cemeteries preserved and expanded nature.

It is incorporated deep within the mission of the cemeteries to provide a peaceful environment where the visitor can relax and focus on memories. Cultural heritage of significant cemeteries therefore does not reflect only in impressive monuments or mausoleums, but as much in their planned and peaceful horticultural landscape architecture. It is part of historical evidence on how European citizens feel and act about nature.

In 2024 the Association of Significant Cemeteries of Europe decided to use this cultural heritage asset and impact the future of Europe. Inviting its members to organise events during the Week of Discovering European Cemeteries which will influence visitors to consider their impact on the city sustainability. Expose good practices that everyone can consider in their daily life within the cemetery or outside.

Aligning our annual activities with the United Nations goal 11 from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

22 members from 7 European countries followed by organising over 30 events related to sustainability. From guided tours to exhibitions dedicated to promoting and learning about sustainable development. 2 countries reacted by organising larger scale national calls to incorporate related activities into cemeteries.

Examples of good practice

In Slovenia a cooperation with the Chamber of Public Utilities of Slovenia (ZKGS) was initiated by the ASCE preceding member Maribor. A national initiative was assembled featuring various year-round activities focused on environmental sustainability. A key component of this initiative was the invitation to cemetery managers to plant sample graves with drought-resistant plants at their cemeteries. This activity in particular resulted in an enlarged impact as besides Maribor and Ljubljana, various cemeteries which are not members of the ASCE network joined. Town of Velenje even incorporated the initiative in Podkraj cemetery arrangements in the project Entente Florale Europe - competing for the most beautifully arranged town of Europe.

Italian association SEFIT produced a 56-page booklet highlighting the cemeteries' commitment to environmental sustainability and the fight against climate change. The booklet featured a rich program of cultural events and guided tours at cemeteries in the cities of Ferrara, Rome, Verona, Genoa, Milan, Mantua, Turin, Bologna, Trento, Bolzano, Modena, Treviso, and Venice.

In Vienna, a rich program prolonged all over summer adding activities like workshops on gardening, wildlife photography, bee-friendly initiatives and other aspects. At Eastern Cemetery in Oslo various water saving and other projects were presented including innovative gravestones which collect rainwater. Cementiris de Barcelona has organised an exhibition installed at the Montjuïc Cemetery, which presents the initiatives they have undertaken to mitigate these negative effects and the measures adopted to reduce environmental impact. All visitors and schools participating in cultural visits and educational activities at the Montjuïc Cemetery have attended this exhibition. The Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center organised educational tours including long days in the cemeteries and rainwater management. KD Kozala in Rijeka prepared a dedicated mobile guide for discovering plants at the cemeteries and organised a guided tour for the visitors. In Karlovac a cultural day for students from the high school of forestry and woodworking was organised emphasising the importance of natural preservation and work with plants in the cemetery. In Avigliana the plans for installing a fully sustainable solar lighting system along tilia-tree (Tilia Vulgaris) lined walkway was presented as well as the project of transforming the dried cypress into a wooden art.

Significant cemeteries for sustainable Europe

Overall in 2024 ASCE has accomplished to initiate and develop a project which marks an entire new chapter of our work and dedication. Reaching thousands of people across Europe and raising awareness of cultural and natural heritage resting in cemeteries is only a beginning. 

Within the new ASCE initiative "Significant cemeteries for sustainable Europe", we will continue to strive in reaching more visitors with important messages from the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

Program for 2025 is already prepared and will ensure further ideas and activities supporting this important agenda are aligned with the mission of ASCE: To promote European cemeteries as a fundamental part of the heritage of humanity.

ASCE Conference 2024: Final program

Fiumei Road Cemetery (Budapest, Hungary)
Detailed program of this year's Conference with an overview of the speakers and their presentations.

After months of planning and careful organization, we are excited to present the finalized program of this year's ASCE Conference, which will take place on 20th September in the Hungarian National Museum in Budapest (1088 Budapest, Múzeum körút 14-16), as part of the AGM 2024.

Explore the detailed event program, including an overview of the speakers and their insightful presentations, which in different ways address this year's official conference theme - "Cemeteries as Cultural Spaces of European Remembrance".

You can download the program in pdf format at the following link.

Conference program 2024

*Photo source:

1st International Conference on Universities and Cultural Routes

1st International Conference on Universities and Cultural Routes
The European Institute of Cultural Routes invites you to participate in the 1st International Conference on Universities and Cultural Routes, taking place this November in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

About the Conference

The European Institute of Cultural Routes (EICR - Technical agency of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme) and the Compostela Group of Universities (member of the University Network for Cultural Studies) is pleased to announce the organisation of the 1st International Conference on Universities and Cultural Routes, taking place from 13th to 14th November 2024 at the University of Santiago de Compostela, in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Following two successful editions of the Cultural Routes Academic Workshops held online in 2021 and 2023, this event is intended to highlight existing research and academic activities in the field of Cultural Routes.

Call for papers

The academic conference welcomes papers relating to all aspects of Cultural Routes. Participants interested in presenting a contribution at the conference can submit their abstracts to under the subject “Call for abstracts 2024_Cultural Routes” by Friday 27th September

As the European Cemeteries Route has been a certified Cultural Route of the Council of Europe since 2010, the Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe (ASCE) would like to encourage our representatives to attend the conference with some interesting presentation topics.

The call for papers containing further details and instructions is available HERE.
An abstract template can be found HERE.

Importnat information

The travel to/from Santiago de Compostela and accommodation costs are not covered by the organisers and must be borne by each participant. Registration fees will not be requested, and meals and extra activities will be offered by the organisers as indicated in the draft programme.

The International Conference working sessions will be held in English.

A preliminary programme, registration details, travel and accommodation options, as well as cultural activities information are available HERE. Invitation letters and updated practical information will be sent out during the first weeks of September.

For any additional information, please contact

New historic cemeteries recognized and funded by Emilia-Romagna region

Certosa Monumental Cemetery (Bologna, Italy)
Emilia-Romagna recognizes nine new historic cemeteries and approves funding for 23 cultural projects in 2024, allocating a total of 137.180 euros.

Nine new historic cemeteries

Nine new monumental and historic cemeteries have been recognized by the Emilia-Romagna Region in Italy, adding to the 22 identified in the first recognition campaign of 2023. Additionally, 23 funding requests have been approved for cultural promotion activities in 2024, with a total funding amount of 137.180 euros.

The regional government has completed the process initiated with the call for recognizing new "Monumental and Historic Cemeteries of Emilia-Romagna" and granting financial support to the recognized entities for cultural promotion activities conducted in 2024.

“We continue the path started for the recognition of significant cemeteries as elements of the regional cultural heritage to be safeguarded and enhanced,” explains Regional Councilor for Culture, Mauro Felicori. “We want to support restoration and conservation projects, as well as increase the enjoyment of this part of the regional cultural heritage that goes beyond memory.”

Managers of burial sites with the minimum mandatory requirements defined by regional law 21 of 2022 could apply for recognition. Requirements include the presence of historically and artistically significant buildings and monuments, sites of collective memory where cultural activities were already conducted from 2021 to 2023 to promote awareness, and public access for at least 150 days per year for municipalities with more than 15.000 inhabitants, and at least 75 days per year for municipalities with fewer than 15.000 inhabitants.

Twenty-six applications were received, three of which requested recognition only, six requested both recognition and funding, and 17 requested funding only from already recognized cemeteries. The nine newly recognized cemeteries this year are: in the province of Bologna, the Casaglia Cemetery in Marzabotto; in the province of Ferrara, the Cento Cemetery and the Cento Jewish Cemetery; in the province of Forlì-Cesena, the Cesena Cemetery, the Forlimpopoli Cemetery, and the Crocesanta Cemetery in Bagno di Romagna; in Modena, the San Cataldo Cemetery and the Vignola Cemetery; in Rimini, the Riccione Cemetery.

Of the received requests, 15 are from municipalities and unions of municipalities, 7 from private law entities, and 4 from associations. The territorial distribution is as follows: 5 requests from the province of Bologna, 4 each from the provinces of Ferrara, Forlì-Cesena, Modena, and Reggio Emilia, 2 each from Ravenna and Rimini, and 1 from Parma.


Among the funded projects are those of the San Cataldo Cemetery in Modena, with the creation of a digital map and an audio guide for visitors; the Piratello Cemetery in Imola (Bo), with the expansion of existing multimedia routes and the addition of new themes: women's stories, famous figures, wars, architecture, and botany; the Guastalla Cemetery (Re), involving young researchers and developing a new guide and a series of theatrical visits; the Cento Jewish Cemetery (Fe), with an integrated program of archival research, guide training, and guided tours, as well as the restoration design of tombstones; the Crocesanta Cemetery near Bagno di Romagna (FC), with the recovery of a community memory site included in a network of trails and a cultural tourism circuit.

The grants, covering up to 80% of eligible expenses, are a maximum of 8.000 euros per project. The published notice online lists the complete ranking, indicating the accepted applications and the assigned contributions.

For further information, please write to

*Text source: press release by Barbara Musiani

Art installation at the Laeken Cemetery

The Epitaaf association, member of ASCE, invites you to see a unique art installation at the Laeken Cemetery in Brussels, Belgium.

150 years of the Atelier Salu

This year marks a significant milestone for the Atelier Ernest Salu, as it celebrates its 150th anniversary. To honor this occasion, students from Sint-Lukas Kunsthumaniora have crafted a remarkable tribute to these renowned funerary sculptors.

Nestled among the many Salu graves at the Laeken Cemetery, within the choir of the old church, visitors can now admire a unique installation. This display, inspired by a historical photograph from the Epitaaf archive, showcases the original site of the entrance to the grave galleries, which was later transformed into the Emile Bockstael grave chapel. The installation is adorned with historical funerary objects and sculpting materials, providing a rich visual narrative of the studio’s storied past.

The exhibition is open for visitors every day from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM until 31 August 2024.

Poetry reading at the Cemetery of Mühlau

On June 15, 2024, the event “Living in the light of eternity” took place at the Cemetery of Mühlau in Innsbruck, Austria.

About the event

On June 15, 2024, a unique poetry reading event titled "Living in the Light of Eternity" was held at the Cemetery of Mühlau in Innsbruck, Austria. The event commenced at 20:00 with readings of texts by Paul Fülöp and poems by Alexander Legniti.

Accompanying the readings were musical performances by Gabriele Goller on the flute and Hesen Berzencî on the Oud lute. Adding a silent yet expressive element to the evening, pantomime artist Franz Unger performed without uttering a word.

It was a very special event and everyone present really enjoyed being part of it.

The Memorial Easter at the Volintiri Cemetery

A significant traditional event where the entire community gathers at the cemetery to honor and remember those who have passed away.

Preparations for the event

In Volintiri, Paștele Blajinilor (The Easter of those who passed away or Memorial Easter) is a particularly important holiday, similar to the tradition throughout the entire country of Moldova.

Preparations for this day begin about a month in advance when people visit the cemetery to clean the graves of their deceased loved ones. These activities include painting crosses, pulling weeds, planting flowers, and, in some cases, drawing crosses from sand. During this period, the town hall organizes a general cemetery cleanup, ensuring that the resting place of the dearly departed is well-maintained.

Traditional customs on Memorial Easter

On Paștele Blajinilor, which takes place on the eighth day after Easter, the community gathers at the cemetery early in the morning. People bring cozonaci (a type of sweet bread) and red eggs, which they place on the graves, and then, after the memorial service, they offer these items to others for the souls of the departed. 

Nowadays, the tradition has become more complex, with items such as cups, plates, scarves, socks, and sweets also being given in memory of the deceased. Recently, there has been a call for the community to return to the ancestral traditions, bringing only cozonaci, red eggs, and candles, which are given to the needy.

Candles are lit on the graves in a glass of wine, which at the end of the service is poured over the graves in the sign of the cross. This day is a moment of reunion for the relatives of the deceased and the only time when the entire community gathers in such large numbers. The priest conducts a memorial service in the middle of the cemetery and reads lists with the names of the deceased, while relatives stand by the graves, listening to the service and commemorating those who have passed away. When the priest sings "Veșnica Pomenire" (Eternal Remembrance), everyone approaches their relatives' graves and lifts the cozonaci several times, after which the gifts brought to the graves are offered to those present in the cemetery. Often, there is an exchange of gifts between neighbours and relatives.

Later, many people leave in groups to one of their relatives' homes to have a meal and remember those who have passed away, while others still spread the dishes right in the cemetery and dine with their relatives there.

AGM 2024: Sign up

Fiumei Road Cemetery in Budapest
It's time to sign up for the Annual General Meeting and Conference 2024, taking place from 19 to 21 September in Budapest, Hungary.

About the AGM and Conference 2024

The program will take place at multiple locations with the Conference venue being the Hungarian National Museum, one of the most prestigious locations in the country.

2 days of European significant cemetery life are about to be revealed along with discovering various monuments, stories and heritage sites of Budapest. Over 20 authors are expected to provide their insights on the challenges and solutions of "Cemeteries as Cultural Spaces of European Remembrance".

Take a look at the splendid event program, conference theme, some accommodation suggestions and registration fee price list at THIS LINK.

Sign up and registration payment for AGM 2024

Applications for the AGM and Conference 2024 will be possible by using the following sign up form. Please read carefully the instructions below before applying.

Application deadline: 26 July 2024
Application deadline for Hungarian participants: 26 August 2024


If you wish to register more than one person, the form must be completed for each person separately.

After that, each registered person will receive the information for paying the registration fee to the entered email address (price list here). The payment can be made for several people at once. After the payment has been made, you will receive an invoice by regular mail, which is valid as a ticket to the event.

In order to ensure the smooth running of the event, the number of participants will be limited.

For any questions, please contact István Kovács at

"The whisper of the (paper) models" event and a literary contest

Cemetery agli Allori (Florence, Italy)
Attend a special event at the Cemetery agli Allori in Florence, Italy, on June 10, 2024, and participate in an engaging literary contest.

About the event

On June 10, 2024, at 9 PM, a special event titled "The Whisper of the (Paper) Models" will take place at the Cemetery agli Allori in Florence, Italy, as a tribute to Giovanni Battista Giorgini and to celebrate the essence of “Made in Italy”. The event will feature a contemporary dance performance, a flute performance, a recital, an exhibition, a poetry reading, and more.

You can find the entire program HERE.

Literary contest

Additionally, don't miss the literary contest “Incipitojo {ad uso di starvi a fantasiar}”. Based on the outdoor exhibition of imaginary book covers, taking place at the Cemetery agli Allori and the English Cemetery in Florence, we invite you to craft literary works inspired by these covers.

Submissions should be no more than 5.400 characters, including spaces, and must be sent by July 14, 2024, to Participation is free, and the awards ceremony will take place on October 24, 2024, at the Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux.

ASCE President at the Regional Conference in Belgrade

"Public Utilities For All" conference in Belgrade 2024
On June 4-5, 2024, the "Public Utilities For All" conference was held in Belgrade, Serbia, with ASCE President as one of the guest speakers.

About the event

"Public Utilities For All" conference in Belgrade 2024

The Association for Communal Activities of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce organized the Regional Conference titled "Public Utilities For All", which took place on June 4th and 5th, 2024, at the Metropol Hotel in Belgrade, Serbia.

The concept of public utilities encompasses essential services provided by public institutions or private companies under strict regulatory frameworks to ensure access for all citizens. These services typically include water supply, waste management, public transport, and markets.

The "Public Utilities For All" conference emphasized the importance of ensuring that all citizens, regardless of economic status, location, or other factors, have access to these basic services. It was the first event of its kind and, in addition to addressing general topics relevant to communal services, the conference also featured special panels and thematic discussions on specific sectors.

The conference successfully brought together experts from the public and private sectors, academia, and civil society to discuss the latest trends, challenges, and solutions in the field of public utilities from Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of the guest speakers was ASCE President, Mrs Lidija Pliberšek, who presented the work of the Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe.

You can find the event program HERE.

*Photos source: