The Memorial Easter at the Volintiri Cemetery

A significant traditional event where the entire community gathers at the cemetery to honor and remember those who have passed away.

Preparations for the event

In Volintiri, Paștele Blajinilor (The Easter of those who passed away or Memorial Easter) is a particularly important holiday, similar to the tradition throughout the entire country of Moldova.

Preparations for this day begin about a month in advance when people visit the cemetery to clean the graves of their deceased loved ones. These activities include painting crosses, pulling weeds, planting flowers, and, in some cases, drawing crosses from sand. During this period, the town hall organizes a general cemetery cleanup, ensuring that the resting place of the dearly departed is well-maintained.

Traditional customs on Memorial Easter

On Paștele Blajinilor, which takes place on the eighth day after Easter, the community gathers at the cemetery early in the morning. People bring cozonaci (a type of sweet bread) and red eggs, which they place on the graves, and then, after the memorial service, they offer these items to others for the souls of the departed. 

Nowadays, the tradition has become more complex, with items such as cups, plates, scarves, socks, and sweets also being given in memory of the deceased. Recently, there has been a call for the community to return to the ancestral traditions, bringing only cozonaci, red eggs, and candles, which are given to the needy.

Candles are lit on the graves in a glass of wine, which at the end of the service is poured over the graves in the sign of the cross. This day is a moment of reunion for the relatives of the deceased and the only time when the entire community gathers in such large numbers. The priest conducts a memorial service in the middle of the cemetery and reads lists with the names of the deceased, while relatives stand by the graves, listening to the service and commemorating those who have passed away. When the priest sings "Veșnica Pomenire" (Eternal Remembrance), everyone approaches their relatives' graves and lifts the cozonaci several times, after which the gifts brought to the graves are offered to those present in the cemetery. Often, there is an exchange of gifts between neighbours and relatives.

Later, many people leave in groups to one of their relatives' homes to have a meal and remember those who have passed away, while others still spread the dishes right in the cemetery and dine with their relatives there.

AGM 2024: Sign up

Fiumei Road Cemetery in Budapest
It's time to sign up for the Annual General Meeting and Conference 2024, taking place from 19 to 21 September in Budapest, Hungary.

About the AGM and Conference 2024

The program will take place at multiple locations with the Conference venue being the Hungarian National Museum, one of the most prestigious locations in the country.

2 days of European significant cemetery life are about to be revealed along with discovering various monuments, stories and heritage sites of Budapest. Over 20 authors are expected to provide their insights on the challenges and solutions of "Cemeteries as Cultural Spaces of European Remembrance".

Take a look at the splendid event program, conference theme, some accommodation suggestions and registration fee price list at THIS LINK.

Sign up and registration payment for AGM 2024

Applications for the AGM and Conference 2024 will be possible until July 26, 2024, by using the following sign up form. Please read carefully the instructions below before applying.


If you wish to register more than one person, the form must be completed for each person separately.

After that, each registered person will receive the information for paying the registration fee to the entered email address (price list here). The payment can be made for several people at once. After the payment has been made, you will receive an invoice by regular mail, which is valid as a ticket to the event.

In order to ensure the smooth running of the event, the number of participants will be limited.

For any questions, please contact István Kovács at

"The whisper of the (paper) models" event and a literary contest

Cemetery agli Allori (Florence, Italy)
Attend a special event at the Cemetery agli Allori in Florence, Italy, on June 10, 2024, and participate in an engaging literary contest.

About the event

On June 10, 2024, at 9 PM, a special event titled "The Whisper of the (Paper) Models" will take place at the Cemetery agli Allori in Florence, Italy, as a tribute to Giovanni Battista Giorgini and to celebrate the essence of “Made in Italy”. The event will feature a contemporary dance performance, a flute performance, a recital, an exhibition, a poetry reading, and more.

You can find the entire program HERE.

Literary contest

Additionally, don't miss the literary contest “Incipitojo {ad uso di starvi a fantasiar}”. Based on the outdoor exhibition of imaginary book covers, taking place at the Cemetery agli Allori and the English Cemetery in Florence, we invite you to craft literary works inspired by these covers.

Submissions should be no more than 5.400 characters, including spaces, and must be sent by July 14, 2024, to Participation is free, and the awards ceremony will take place on October 24, 2024, at the Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux.

WDEC 2024 at the Cemetery of the Observance

Cemetery of the Observance in Faenza, Italy
On June 1st, 2024, a free guided tour took place at the Cemetery of the Observance in Faenza, Italy, as part of the WDEC 2024.

About the event

On the occasion of the Week of Discovering European Cemeteries 2024, a free guided tour was held at the Cemetery of the Observance in Faenza, Itay, on Saturday, June 1st, 2024, at 4 PM. The tour explored and re-discovered the Observance cemetery, its history, works of art and landscape, after the floods which affected Faenza and the Romagna territory in May 2023.

The event was organised by the Municipality of Faenza in collaboration with Pro loco Faenza APS.

Highlights from the WDEC 2024 in Krakow

WDEC 2024 at the New Cemetery of Podgorze
A short overview and some photos from the guided walk that took place on 31 May 2023 at the New Cemetery of Podgorze in Krakow, Poland.

About the event

Over sixty people took part in the guided walk at the New Cemetery of Podgorze in Krakow during this year's Week of Discovering European Cemeteries. After a short introduction about the history of the cemetery established in 1900, participants visited eleven graves of well-known people buried at this cemetery: actors, musicians, scouts, sculptors and football players.

Guides were members and friends of Association PODGORZE.PL, which was the organiser of this walk.

More about the event at

WDEC 2024 at the Dubovac Catholic Cemetery

WDEC 2024 at the Dubovac Catholic Cemetery
As part of WDEC 2024, high school students attended a guided tour at the Dubovac Catholic Cemetery in Karlovac, Croatia.

About the event

In Karlovac, as part of the Week of Discovering European Cemeteries, the company Zelenilo organized a free tour of the Dubovac Catholic Cemetery, led by expert tourist guide Ivančica Šebalj.

This year's tour of the Dubovac Cemetery, which has been a member of ASCE since 2014, was attended by students from the high school of forestry and woodworking in Karlovac. They listened intently to the interesting and instructive stories shared by Ivančica Šebalj.

The students also planted a cypress tree at the cemetery, thereby contributing to environmental sustainability and the fight against climate change.

WDEC 2024 at the Verano Monumental Cemetery

Verano Monumental Cemetery (Rome, Italy)
Welcome to Rome! Experience the beauty of nature, art, history, and culture at the Verano Monumental Cemetery from May 25 to June 2, 2024.

About the Verano Monumental Cemetery

The Verano Cemetery is a place that, in addition to preserving the memory and the historical, artistic, and cultural heritage of the community, offers unique naturalistic, biodiversity, and landscape riches. The ever-increasing number of passionate visitors to Verano confirms the consideration enjoyed by this open-air park-museum, where you can walk immersed in nature and art, take a bike ride, move slowly in silence and contemplation, and discover surprising stories. It is not just a place of burial and memory, but a refuge and comfort zone offering environmental, physical, and spiritual well-being for communities, citizens, and tourists.

WDEC program: "Strolls through Memories", recitations and special events

Experience 12 free cultural events at Verano, spread over four days, each offering different thematic paths. Every day, the schedule features three events, some of which are enhanced by a unique blend of storytelling, acting, listening to musical pieces on headphones, and engaging with the voices of characters encountered along the routes.

Saturday, 25 May

10.00: The City of Verano. Three generations of architects and urban planners
11.00: Inaugural event. Voices in the Wind. An audio guide for the Verano
12.00: Italian Theater, from stage to TV. Conducted and performed by actress Sabina Barzilai

Sunday, 26 May

10.00: Rome and the stories on Cinema
11.00: The Seven Arts at Verano
12.00: Faces and Memories of Rome

Saturday, 1 June

10.00: Urban trekking. Nature, history and landscape at the Verano Monumental Cemetery
11.00: Audacious Women. Stories of unique women from the Roman Republic to the Italian Republic
12.00: Italian Theater, from stage to TV. Conducted and performed by actress Sabina Barzilai

Sunday, 2 June

10.00: Twentieth century. The passions of women and men of the "short century"
11.00: Audacious Women. Stories of unique women from the Roman Republic to the Italian Republic
12.00: Urban trekking. Nature, history and landscape at the Verano Monumental Cemetery

About the inaugural event "Voices in the wind" (25 May)

It is a PCTO project (paths for transversal skills and orientation) of the students of the Istituto Superiore Statale Cine Tv Rossellini, managed by the Io Sono Aps Association, winner of the Public Notice promoted by Roma Capitale in collaboration with Zètema Progetto Cultura and AMA Capitoline Cemeteries.

The audio guide, created by the students of the Rossellini Institute and based on texts and historical research by Alessandra Evangelisti, Federica Chiusole, and Cristina Cassese, is an exciting multi-voiced story that will accompany visitors in discovering parts of Verano. The audio guide will be permanently available to the public free of charge. Visitors can use it on their smartphones with an active internet connection and earphones by scanning the QR code located at the Verano Cemetery entrance.

About the Urban trekking event (1-2 June)

The Verano as a landscape asset is a synthesis of nature, history, and architecture. Enjoy an evocative walk through the greenery, encountering the most important and centuries-old botanical species, guided by a technician from the Environmental Protection Department of Rome Capital and an art historian.

About the Audacious Women event (1-2 June)

Italian Republic Day is celebrated in memory of outstanding women whose lives were defined by radical and emancipatory choices, transcending conventions and proposing new models of female identity. These women were unique for their heroism, civil and social commitment, and cultural legacy. The guided tour is enriched by readings recited by the actress Sabina Barzilai and music played through headphones.

Additional information

  • “Strolls through Memories" are guided tours that take place on foot and last 2 hours.
  • They are conducted by specialized guides and are audio-assisted using microphones and earphones.
  • All scheduled initiatives are free of charge with reservations required.
  • For information, insights and reservations click HERE.

Discover more

WDEC 2024 at the Drenova Cemetery

WDEC 2024 at the Drenova Cemetery in Rijeka, Croatia
The Week of Discovering European Cemeteries 2024 in Rijeka, held from May 14 to 31, was dedicated to the horticulture at Rijeka's largest cemetery, Drenova.

Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change

The theme of this year's Week of Discovering European Cemeteries was "Environmental sustainability and climate change".

Members of ASCE and other European cemeteries are determined allies in the collective fight against climate change. For years, they have been working on mitigating its effects through a wide range of actions and initiatives that demonstrate a strong commitment to the environment. Their activities include responsible use of fossil fuels and water, integrating renewable energy sources, respecting the biological diversity of cemetery plants and fauna, improving native vegetation, responsible waste management, and electrifying their vehicle fleets.

This year's WDEC aimed to raise awareness about the importance of addressing climate change through various events and activities, showcasing different ways in which cemeteries and their visitors can contribute to reducing the negative impact on the environment.

Week of Discovering European Cemeteries in Rijeka

The Week of Discovering European Cemeteries in Rijeka was celebrated from May 14th to May 31st.

The program began on Monday, May 14th, with the grand opening of an exhibition displayed on pedestals along Korzo. The exhibition introduced residents and visitors to the rich horticulture of Rijeka's largest cemetery, Drenova, highlighting its connection to the natural environment.

Horticulture is a valuable aspect of every cemetery, receiving special attention in maintenance, landscaping, and enhancement. Our cemeteries serve as urban parks. The diverse horticultural species, carefully planned and arranged, invite visitors to enjoy relaxing walks. These spaces create intimate areas enriched with vibrant colors, shapes, and scents, as well as numerous geometric forms of plants that intertwine and complement the diverse terrain, creating an extraordinary natural dynamic within the cemetery.

The program continued on Monday, May 27th, at 6:00 PM with a tour of the Drenova Cemetery, accompanied by musical performances by students of the Ivan Matetić Ronjov Music School under the guidance of their mentors. The event also featured a display of photographs of plant species and an educational walk led by Mr. Goran Huljenić,, from Urbani šumari d.o.o. Novo Čiče.

The remaining days were reserved for individual visits and tours of the cemetery, assisted by the ARTOUR mobile application.

Event photos:

WDEC 2024 at the Piratello Cemetery

The Piratello Cemetery in Imola, Italy
On Saturday, June 1st, 2024, a guided tour will take place at the Piratello Cemetery in Imola, Italy, exploring the theme of women and botany.

About the event

On the occasion of the Week of Discovering European Cemeteries, a free guided tour will be held at the Piratello Monumental Cemetery on Saturday, June 1st, 2024, at 10 AM and 3:30 PM.

The tour will explore the theme of women and botany in history and art, both in Imola and beyond. This journey through remembrance will uncover the stories of female figures and botanical elements planted and depicted within the Piratello Monumental Cemetery.

Reservations are required by Friday, May 31st, at 12:00 PM. Please call 0542 602609 or email to reserve a spot. Each tour accommodates a maximum of 25 people.

Meeting point: In front of the Piratello Monumental Cemetery office building, via Emilia Ponente 19A.

The event is organized by Area Blu, the Municipality of Imola, the Museums Sector, the Metropolitan City of Bologna, and the Emilia-Romagna Region.

WDEC 2024 at cemeteries in Berlin

Explore the varied program of events that will take place in different cemeteries in Berlin in May and June 2024.

Friday, May 24th

JAMES TURRELL - Light art presentation
Art exhibition with introductory lecture in German and English from Friday to Sunday at sunset (changing start times).
Location: Dorotheenstadt Cemetery I
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Saturday, May 25th

Herbal tours with Silke Schoppe
Location: Old Cemetery St. Marien – St. Nikolai
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Sound in the light - Music at the blue hour
Location: Chapel at the Dorotheenstadt Cemetery I
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Sunday, May 26th

JAMES TURRELL - Light art presentation
Art exhibition with introductory lecture in German and English from Friday to Sunday at sunset (changing start times).
Location: Dorotheenstadt Cemetery I
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

VHS offer: Birdwatching tour at Bergmannstrasse cemeteries
Location: Trinity Cemetery II
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Cemetery tours in front of Hallesches Tor with Norbert Haag
Location: Cemeteries at Hallesches Tor
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Tuesday, May 28th

Nature-based after-work walk with NABU
Location: Old Luisenstadt Cemetery
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Wednesday, May 29th

Guided tours of the Brecht-Weigel Museum through the Dorotheenstadt Cemetery
Location: Inner courtyard of the Brecht House
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Friday, May 31st

JAMES TURRELL - Light art presentation
Art exhibition with introductory lecture in German and English from Friday to Sunday at sunset (changing start times).
Location: Dorotheenstadt Cemetery I
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Saturday, June 1st

JAMES TURRELL - Light art presentation
Art exhibition with introductory lecture in German and English from Friday to Sunday at sunset (changing start times).
Location: Dorotheenstadt Cemetery I
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Sunday, June 2nd

JAMES TURRELL - Light art presentation
Art exhibition with introductory lecture in German and English from Friday to Sunday at sunset (changing start times).
Location: Dorotheenstadt Cemetery I
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Guided tour of the Old Luisenstadt Cemetery with Jakob Preuss
Location: Old Luisenstadt Cemetery
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Cemetery tours in front of Hallesches Tor with Norbert Haag
Location: Cemeteries at Hallesches Tor
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Wednesday, June 5th

Guided tours of the Brecht-Weigel Museum through the Dorotheenstadt Cemetery
Location: Inner courtyard of the Brecht House
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Friday, June 7th

JAMES TURRELL - Light art presentation
Art exhibition with introductory lecture in German and English from Friday to Sunday at sunset (changing start times).
Location: Dorotheenstadt Cemetery I
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Saturday, June 8th

JAMES TURRELL - Light art presentation
Art exhibition with introductory lecture in German and English from Friday to Sunday at sunset (changing start times).
Location: Dorotheenstadt Cemetery I
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Long day of urban nature - cemetery of course!
Nature discoveries and practical tips.
Location: Old Luisenstadt Cemetery
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Music from the 13th and 17th centuries - played by the Trecento group
Location: Chapel at Friedrichswerder Cemetery, Kreuzberg
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Sunday, June 9th

JAMES TURRELL - Light art presentation
Art exhibition with introductory lecture in German and English from Friday to Sunday at sunset (changing start times).
Location: Dorotheenstadt Cemetery I
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Long day of urban nature - Cemetery habitat - tour with Ronald Kroth (NABU)
Environmental education, nature conservation and art in the cemeteries on Seestrasse.
Location: Cemeteries St. Johannis II - Nazareth I - St. Paul
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Long day of urban nature - Rainwater management and climate adaptation measures in cemeteries
Location: Georgen-Parochial Cemetery II
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Guided tour with Uwe Lüdemann through the Cemetery Trinity II in Bergmannstrasse
Location: Cemetery Trinity II
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Cemetery tours in front of Hallesches Tor with Norbert Haag
Location: Cemeteries at Hallesches Tor
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Long day of urban nature - A paradise for bees
Environmental education at the cemetery.
Location: Cemetery Dorotheenstadt III
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Wednesday, June 12th

Guided tours of the Brecht-Weigel Museum through the Dorotheenstadt Cemetery
Location: Inner courtyard of the Brecht House
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Friday, June 14th

JAMES TURRELL - Light art presentation
Art exhibition with introductory lecture in German and English from Friday to Sunday at sunset (changing start times).
Location: Dorotheenstadt Cemetery I
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Saturday, June 15th

JAMES TURRELL - Light art presentation
Art exhibition with introductory lecture in German and English from Friday to Sunday at sunset (changing start times).
Location: Dorotheenstadt Cemetery I
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

The art of farewell - Art therapy for those who mourn
Location: Cemetery Chapel at Friedrichswerder Cemetery, Kreuzberg
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Sunday, June 16th

JAMES TURRELL - Light art presentation
Art exhibition with introductory lecture in German and English from Friday to Sunday at sunset (changing start times).
Location: Dorotheenstadt Cemetery I
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Cemetery tours in front of Hallesches Tor with Norbert Haag
Location: Cemeteries at Hallesches Tor
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Wednesday, June 19th

Guided tours of the Brecht-Weigel Museum through the Dorotheenstadt Cemetery
Location: Inner courtyard of the Brecht House
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Friday, June 21st

JAMES TURRELL - Light art presentation
Art exhibition with introductory lecture in German and English from Friday to Sunday at sunset (changing start times).
Location: Dorotheenstadt Cemetery I
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

Cemetery night at Sophien II
Cultural program and illuminations until sunset.
Location: Cemetery Sophien II
Organizer: Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center
Further information at

WDEC 2024 at the Montjuïc Cemetery

WDEC 2024 at the Montjuïc Cemetery
Cementiris de Barcelona has organized a special exhibition which presents their efforts to mitigate environmental impacts.

The issue of climate change

This year's Week of Discovering European Cemeteries highlights the important issue of climate change through various events and activities, showcasing different ways in which cemeteries and their visitors can contribute to reducing environmental impact.

According to the United Nations, climate change refers to long-term changes in temperatures and weather patterns, which can result from natural causes or human activities.

The acceleration of climate change is driven by the emission of “greenhouse effect” gases generated by the combustion of fossil fuels. Adapting to these new conditions is very difficult for both nature and human societies.

Exhibition at the Montjuïc Cemetery

WDEC 2024 at the Montjuïc Cemetery

Cementiris de Barcelona has organized an exhibition installed at the Montjuïc Cemetery, which presents the initiatives they have undertaken to mitigate these negative effects and the measures adopted to reduce environmental impact. All visitors and schools participating in cultural visits and educational activities at the Montjuïc Cemetery will attend this exhibition.

In June 2024, Cementiris de Barcelona will hold a special conference to delve deeper into these issues. Throughout the year, they will also take this exhibition to most other cemeteries in Barcelona.

WDEC 2024 at cemeteries in Maribor

Pobrežje cemetery in Maribor, Slovenia
We present to you the program of activities that will take place at the Maribor cemeteries during the Week of Discovering European Cemeteries 2024.

International initiative on sustainability

The focus of this year's Week of Discovering European Cemeteries is on the dedication of cemeteries to environmental sustainability and fight against climate change. In this context, Pogrebno podjetje Maribor, the presiding member of the Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe (ASCE), in collaboration with the Chamber of Public Utilities of Slovenia (ZKGS), has prepared a national initiative featuring various year-round activities focused on environmental sustainability. A key component of this initiative is the invitation to cemetery managers to plant sample graves with drought-resistant plants at their cemeteries.

All members of GZS chamber have already been invited to participate, and quite a few have responded positively to the initiative.

As an example to others, Pogrebno podjetje Maribor has prepared its program for the Week of Discovering European Cemeteries based on this initiative. Below are the projects, events, and activities on this topic that will take place at the Dobrava Cemetery and Pobrežje Cemetery in Maribor, Slovenia.

WDEC 2024 at Dobrava Cemetery

➤ Planting nectar-rich plants – an invaluable forage for bees and other pollinators.

➤ Installation of beehives in May 2024.

WDEC 2024 at Pobrežje Cemetery

➤ Planting nectar-rich plants – an invaluable forage for bees and other pollinators.

➤ Arrangement of three sample graves with plants that tolerate drought and require less watering. The sample graves will be marked with special plaques. Implementation is in progress.

A flower and floral arrangement exhibition, showcasing plants resistant to drought, will be held in front of the Cvetličarna Aralija flower shop, located at the entrance of Pobrežje Cemetery, from May 27th to June 1st.

On May 28th, a cultural day will take place at the Pobrežje Cemetery for students from Tone Čufar Primary School Maribor. The event will feature presentations on the ARtour mobile application and sustainable solutions implemented at the cemetery.

On May 28th at 5:30 PM, an event in collaboration with the Maribor Multigenerational Center (VGC Maribor) will take place in the multipurpose hall at the Pobrežje Cemetery. The event will host a round table discussion focusing on sustainable development in funeral and cemetery services, examining various generational perspectives with a particular emphasis on youth.The event will conclude at 7 PM with a guided tour showcasing the sustainable initiatives implemented at the Pobrežje Cemetery. This will include visits to sustainably arranged sample graves, areas planted with nectar-rich plants and other bee-friendly initiatives, discussions on biodiversity at the cemetery, and a presentation of the ARtour application. As part of this event, VGC Maribor will conduct a survey among both younger and older attendees to gather their perceptions of sustainability in funeral services. The survey results will be discussed during the round table discussion.

Drought-resistant grave planting

Below, you can see some sample graves at Pobrežje Cemetery that have been cleaned, arranged, and planted with drought-resistant plants. They are also marked with special boards describing the project and listing the plants planted on each specific grave.

WDEC 2024 in the Metropolitan City of Bologna

Discover the WDEC program in the cities of Bologna, Imola, Medicina, and Persiceto in Italy.

The Metropolitan City of Bologna and the Bologna Civic Museums Sector for the first time promote a coordinated program of initiatives among the four cemeteries in the Bologna area recognized as "monumental and historic cemeteries of Emilia-Romagna" according to Regional Law 21/2022: the Certosa Monumental Cemetery in Bologna, the Piratello Cemetery in Imola, the Cemetery of Medicina, and the Cemetery of San Giovanni in Persiceto.

Here is the complete programme:


Friday, May 24, 2 p.m.
Tombs of the twentieth century: memory and custody
Volunteers from the Associazione Amici della Certosa, together with students from the Liceo Artistico Arcangeli high school, present their testimonies of participation in the "Tombe '900" project that was carried out on 10 monumental tombs. A walk to discover sculptures and architecture from the last century.
Meeting organized by the Associazione Amici della Certosa in collaboration with Museo civico del Risorgimento, Liceo Artistico Arcangeli and Bologna Servizi Cimiteriali.
Reservations required by writing to
Meet at the Info Point at the main entrance (church courtyard, north portico), Via della Certosa 18.
Admission: free

Friday, May 24, 5 p.m.
Diverdeinverde in Certosa | Ornamental greenery and phytomorphic decoration in the cemetery of Bologna
A visit to the Certosa, with Roberto Martorelli, dedicated to the peculiarities of the cemetery's ornamental greenery and phytomorphic decorations, with a symbolic character, found in funerary monuments.
Participation is reserved for Diverdeinverde card holders, with reservations required at
As part of Diverdeinverde - Open Gardens of the City and the Hill. In collaboration with the Museo civico del Risorgimento and Bologna Servizi Cimiteriali.
Meet at the main entrance (church courtyard), Via della Certosa 18.
Admission: with Diverdeinverde card

Friday, May 24, 8:30 p.m.
Facts and misdeeds in Certosa: one Cemetery, many stories
In this tour inaugurating Mirarte's summer season, like an ancient book, the Charterhouse opens before your eyes revealing fascinating and incredible stories. Like the different chapters of an ancient text, we will go to explore its many aspects and thus discover a Noir Charterhouse with its crimes, a funny Charterhouse made of surreal anecdotes, a romantic and passionate Certosa, and a Famous Charterhouse with its best-known characters. A journey through silent cloisters and white statues that stand out in the darkness of the night, discovering the magic of this extraordinary place.
Guided tour by Mirarte.
Reservations required at
Meet at the main entrance (church courtyard), Via della Certosa 18.
Admission: € 13.00 full / € 8.00 reduced (children 6-12 years, people with disabilities) (for each paying admission two euros will be donated to the enhancement of the Certosa Monumental Cemetery)

Saturday, May 25, 10:30 a.m.
Truth or Lies?
"To see, by reading the inscriptions, so many virtuous, beloved, regretful creatures, one would be tempted to believe that the best half of mankind ascended to heaven and left nothing on earth but rejection." So wrote Basile Joseph Ducos after his visit to the Certosa in Bologna between 1819 and 1820. Together with Roberto Martorelli we will stroll through the cemetery-now a UNESCO World Heritage Site-to find out if indeed epigraphs always tell the truth...
Guided tour by the Associazione Amici della Certosa in collaboration with the Museo civico del Risorgimento.
Reservation required by writing to Email confirmation of reservation is required.
Meet at the main entrance (church courtyard), Via della Certosa 18.
Admission: € 8.00 (payment preferable with cash)

Sunday, May 26, 3 p.m.
Painters' lives - glimpses of Bolognese painting aloud
An itinerary through the monumental cemetery-now a Unesco heritage site as part of the Portici di Bologna-with researchers and readers from the Associazione Amici della Certosa, in collaboration with Mara Guerrini's School of Painting. Discovering and re-discovering the many men and women whose brushes have marked the history of painting in Bologna and beyond. Accompanied by Lucia Vanghi.
Route organized by the Associazione Amici della Certosa in collaboration with the Museo civico del Risorgimento.
Reservations required by writing to or 345 2699200 (WhatsApp only).
Admission: free offer (free for members of the Associazione Amici della Certosa)

Wednesday, May 29, 6:30 p.m.
101 things to know about the Certosa
The most fascinating masterpieces, cloisters and galleries, artists and celebrities. A sunset walk with Roberto Martorelli to discover the 101 things you absolutely must know about the monumental cemetery, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 
Guided tour organized by the Associazione Amici della Certosa in collaboration with the Museo civico del Risorgimento.
Reservations required by writing to It is necessary to receive an email of successful reservation.
Meet at the main entrance (church courtyard), Via della Certosa 18.
Admission: € 8.00 (payment preferable with cash)

Wednesday, May 29, 9 p.m. and Tuesday, Aug. 13, 8:30 p.m.
101 things to know about the Charterhouse
The most fascinating masterpieces, cloisters and galleries, artists and celebrities. A nighttime walk with Roberto Martorelli to discover the 101 things you absolutely must know about the monumental cemetery, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Bring a led light or turn on the one on your smartphone, you'll need it.
Guided tour organized by the Associazione Amici della Certosa in collaboration with the Museo civico del Risorgimento.
Reservation required by writing to You must receive an email of successful reservation.
Meet at the main entrance (church courtyard), Via della Certosa 18.
Admission: € 8.00 (payment preferable with cash)

Saturday, June 1, 2 p.m. and August 31, 3 p.m.
All the Women of the Charterhouse
The epigraphs of the silent city often remember women as wives, consorts, spouses, sisters. But there are memories of their contribution to society, so we find Brigida, Gualberta, Lina, Tommasina. A walk with Roberto Martorelli through the Monumental Cemetery, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Guided tour by the Associazione Amici della Certosa with the Museo civico del Risorgimento. 
Reservations required by writing to It is necessary to receive an email of successful reservation.
Meet at the main entrance (church courtyard), Via della Certosa 18.
Admission: € 8.00 (payment preferable with cash)

Sunday, June 2, 3 p.m.
Cemetery bestiary | discovering the Carthusian undergrowth
Cemeteries are areas of high biodiversity; it is not uncommon to come across guardian felines among loculi, squirrels squeaking among yews and cypresses, birds finding refreshment in the silence. Symbology and funerary iconography intersect with the animal kingdom, giving rise to a fantastic undergrowth of stone creatures with adventures and secrets to tell. Among owls and ophids, peacocks and moths, mysterious creatures, explorers and experiments, a walk to discover the cemetery bestiary that animates the Charterhouse. Route also suitable for children with Manuela Capece. 
Meeting organized by thenAssociazione Amici della Certosa, in collaboration with Museo del Risorgimento and Bologna Servizi Cimiteriali.
Reservations required by writing to
Meet at the main entrance (church courtyard), Via della Certosa 18.
Admission: free offer (free for members of the Associazione Amici della Certosa)


Sunday, May 26, 3 p.m.
Women of the lowlands, large and small stories of the Medicina community
A walk to discover some of the figures who contributed to the History of their community. 
The guided tour was organized by the Municipality of Medicina in collaboration with the Museo civico del Risorgimento di Bologna.
Meet at the entrance of the Medicina Cemetery, Via della Resistenza 322.
Admission: free

Friday, May 31, 8:45 p.m.
Ornamental and symbolic greenery. The presence of plants and flowers in cemeteries
A moment dedicated to the peculiarities of ornamental greenery in silent cities and the symbolism present in funerary monuments. 
Meeting organized by the Municipality of Medicina in collaboration with the Museo civico del Risorgimento di Bologna.
Meeting at the Sala del Camino of the Library, via Pillio 1. 
Admission: free

Sunday, June 2, 3 p.m.
Stories and people of the city of Medicina
A walk to discover the historic center of Medicina, starting from the memories and monuments of the center will reach the cemetery, where interesting memories of local history are preserved.
Guided tour by the Municipality of Medicina in collaboration with the Museo civico del Risorgimento di Bologna.
Meet at the former Lavatoio, Via dell'Osservanza.
Admission: free


Sunday, May 26, 3:30 p.m.
Stories of women
A walk through the Monumental Cemetery to discover some female figures whose resourcefulness and modernity made them examples to follow in the 19th century. Singers, entrepreneurs, teachers, doctors or artisans, women whose work contributed to the social transformation of San Giovanni in Persiceto from a country village to a city. 
Reservations required at IAT Persiceto: 051 6812955 or
Meet in front of the Monumental Cemetery entrance, Circonvallazione Vittorio Veneto 24.
Admission: € 10.00 / € 5.00 (children from 7 years old)

Sunday, June 2, 3:30 p.m.
Immortal gardens
The ornamental greenery in the cloisters of the Monumental Cemetery of San Giovanni in Persiceto dialogues with the symbolic friezes of lush fruits and flowers, carved or cast in bronze, so beautiful as to suggest the rustling of foliage, the colors and lights, the scent and refreshment of a real garden. The many faces of plants will be told through funerary symbolism, myth and botany.
Reservations required at IAT Persiceto: 051 6812955 or
Meet in front of the Monumental Cemetery entrance, Circonvallazione Vittorio Veneto 24.
Admission: € 10.00 / € 5.00 (children 7 and under)


Saturday, June 1, 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Women and botany in history and art in Imola and beyond
A journey of memory to discover the female figures and botany included and depicted within the monumental cemetery of Piratello.
Guided tour organized by the Municipality of Imola.
Reservations required at 0542 602609 or by noon on Friday, May 31 (max 25 people per group).
Meet in front of the Piratello Monumental Cemetery office building, Via Emilia Ponente 19A.
Admission: free