The Milan Monumental Cemetery is located in an area of 250.000 mq. Inaugurated in 1866, it was designed by the architect Carlo Maciachini (1818-1899).
About the cemetery
The construction first met the hygienic and town-planning needs linked to the presence of a high number of burial places inside the town. Moreover, the Municipality wanted to give the community a representative place by joining the cult of the dead. Within its walls, Monumentale gives hospitality to graves of different cults an religions, including the sections for non-Catholics and Jews.An open-air museum
The work of Maciachini includes different stylists suggestions according to the eclectic taste of the age and it joins together the Pisano Gothic and the Lumbard Romanesque style with some inserts imitating the Byzantine style. The entrance square is dominated by the Memorial Chapel Famedio, a successful neologism indicating the temple dedicated to fame and giving hospitality to famous and well-deserving men.The sculptures and building of the Monumental Cemetery show the town historical events and its artistic history from Realism and Eclecticism, to Liberty and Symbolism until the contemporary age, as if it were a real museum in the open air where the main Italian artists are represented.
Piazzale Cimitero Monumentale20154 Milano
Phone: +39 02 884 65600 / 45678 / 45680Fax: +39 02 884 46774
E-mail: dsc.cimiteromonumentale@comune.milano.it
Web: comune.milano.it/monumentale
Opening hours
Tuesday – Sunday: 8.00 – 18.00Monday Closed
Office hours
Monday – Saturday: 8.30 – 12.00and 13.30 – 16.30
How to get here
Bus: 94Tram: 2 - 4 - 33 - 10 - 12 - 14
Subway: M2, M5
Railway Station: F.S. Garibaldi
Tourist information
20121 Milano
Phone: + 39 02 774 04343
Fax: +39 02 774 04333
Email: iat.info@provincia.milano.it
Web: www.visitamilano.it
www.comune.milano.it (City Portal)
www.aeroporti.com (Airports)
www.fs-on-line.com (Italian railwais)
www.ferrovienord.it (Local railwais)
www.atm-mi.it (Subway)
www.taximalpensa.it (Taxi)
www.bicar.it (Car Hire)
www.itwg.com (Hotel reservation)
www.camping.it (Camping)