Picturesquely set on a gentle slope by the foothill of the Krakus Mound, it is the largest cemetery on the right-bank of Krakow.
About the cemetery
The New Cemetery of Podgorze was opened in 1900 and the chapel by the entry was added some years later. Most of those buried in the cemetery were workers and technicians and there were many distinguished industrialists among them. Although many sculptures represent popular motives, some are certainly worthy of attention. There are women with flowers sitting by a cross or a broken pillar and there are many monumental figures of angels whose sadness and beauty induce deep reverie.
The New Cemetery of PodgorzeWapienna 2
31-510 Krakow
Email: sekretariat@zck-krakow.pl
Opening hours
April - September: 7.00 - 20.00October - March: 7.00 - 18.00