This cemetery was conceived as a modern digging up cemetery according to the dispositions fixed by "leopoldine" rules of 1783.
About the cemetery
The public cemetery "La Cigna" was built to owe to the necessity of a burial ground of proportionate size to face the emergency caused by the "yellow fever" epidemic which broke out in Livorno during the month of August in 1804. This cemetery was the fourth public open graveyard, beginning from 1770, built outside the areas of Livorno, and it was conceived as a modern digging up cemetery according to the dispositions fixed by "leopoldine" rules of 1783.
The project was drawn up by the architect Riccardo Calocchieri in the month of October 1807, but the works ended in the month of October 1822. The cemetery was enlarged for the first time in 1891 according to the project of the public engineer Angelo Unis. In 1910 was again expanded englobing the small cemeteries of Ottoman and Waldenses communities. Six years later the Cinerary Temple of Cremation Society was erected.
Together with some valuables examples of local handcrafts of the last two centuries, among the tombs and funeral monuments of the cemetery, works by the sculptors Gori, Zilocchi, Bois, Tarrini, Gemignani e Fioravanti are preserved. Local public governments of Livorno have always preserved the original feature as place of rest for the deads of different creeds and rites, as the city of Livorno, always crossroad of different ethnic groups, has always preserved this peculiarity.
*Photo source: https://it.wikipedia.org
Cemetery address
"La Cigna" cemeteryvia Don Aldo Mei, 19
57122 Livorno
Cemetery contacts
Phone: 39 0586 428324Fax: 39 0586 404318
Opening hours
In summer: 8.00-12.30 and 15.30-18.30In winter: 8.00-12.30 and 14.30-17.30
Tourist information about the City of Livorno
City PortalTurist info
Italian railways
City buses
Pisa Airport
Hotel reservetion
Turist Information Office
Piazza Cavour 6, 57100 Livornotel.: 39 0586 204611
fax: 39 0586/896173
e-mail: info@livorno.turismo.toscana.it
website: www.livorno.turismo.toscana.it
URP (City Information Office)
Piazza del Municipio, 157122 Livorno
tel: 39 0586 820203-204-205
fax: 39 0586 820280
e-mail: segnalazioni@comune.livorno.it