This cemetery is located on the coastal side of Turó de la Pietat (Mount Mercy), measuring fifty meters in height and one kilometre in length.
Cemetery arrangement
Cemetery of Arenys de Mar overlooks an important extension of the sea, Arenys Valley and staggered hills leading to the coast. It is structured in three uphill staggered levels. The first two are surrounded by niches and have parterres for burials in the ground. An avenue of cypresses forms the backbone of these spaces, creating a beautiful view over the sea. The third level, assigned to pantheons and mausoleums, extends around the Chapel of Mercy (Capilla de la Piedad) and constitutes an excellent example of the outbreak of funerary art from the last quarter of the nineteenth century to the early decades of the twentieth century, where visitors can find modernist, historicist and eclectic styles through works of Vallmitjana, Llimona, Carcassó, Sagnier, Arnau, Marés, Martinell and the local Joan Barrera. In addition, there are graves of important writers, such as, Lluís Ferran de Pol and Salvador Espriu, located at the cemetery.
Cemetery history
Until the nineteenth century, burials took place around or inside the parish church. Following medical prohibitions of burying within urban areas, the construction of the municipal cemetery began at Mount Mercy in 1816. Works finished during the following decade. The cemetery was quadrangular and surrounded by a wall, with space for over 350 niches. The chapel was integrated in the southeast corner of the cemetery. In 1865-1867, a new cemetery was built next to the old one due to the lack of space. The tower and the hermitage were demolished, and the remains of the old cemetery were moved to the new one where another chapel was built on top. In 1894, there was an agreement to extend the cemetery to the north and was filled with niches, tombs and mausoleums at the turn of the twentieth century.*Photo source: www.visitmuseum.gencat.cat
Cami de la PietatS/N – 08350 Arenys de Mar
Phone: +34 937 92 17 35Email: turisme@arenysdemar.cat