About Cambados
The Ruins of Santa Mariña de Dozo are located in Cambados which is known for being a true outdoor museum carved in granite. It is one of the best preserved historic areas in Galicia due to the countless stately mansions, noble streets, monuments and sculptures.
Cambados was born from the merger of three historical villages, which maintained their authenticity:
- Fefiñáns, with a noble character;
- Cambados, with its beautiful squares, streets and Saint Mariña Ruins;
- and the sailor character of Saint Tomé.
The Ruins of Santa Mariña de Dozo
The Ruins of Santa Mariña de Dozo are located in the foothills of Mount a Pastora. In the environs of an old Castro, lie the remains of the old parish church of Saint Mariña, Cambados patroness. On a XII century Romanesque chapel, feudal lord Lope Sánchez de Ulloa built the church of Saint Mariña Dozo, restored and enlarged by his daughter María de Ulloa in the late XV century.
Sailor Gothic style and Renaissance features are also presented. The church comprises a single nave divided by four transverse Romanesque arches, five side chapels, sacristy and chapel. Inside, it should be noted, the decoration with balls on the arches and chapels. In one of these arces is represented one of the seven deadly sins, "laziness". In the chapels highlights embossed iconographies with Biblical scenes, such as visitation, Christ and the apostles, the expulsion from paradise or the deadly sins.
The church of Saint Mariña Dozo was abandoned for political and religious reasons in the XIX century, moving the parish church to the church of the former convent of Saint Francisco. Finally, it was used as a parish cemetery. Its remains were declared a National Monument in 1943 and nowadays home to "the world's most melancholic cemetery" in the words of Galician writer Alvaro Cunqueiro, big fan of the town.
36630 Cambados,Pontevedra,