WDEC 2016 at Cemetery of Ciriego, Santander

'Art for Eternity' in the Week of Discovering European Cemeteries at the Cemetery of Ciriego.

WDEC 2016: ‘Art for Eternity: Santander in flames
Cemetery of Ciriego, Santander
June, 4th
at 20:30

The 3rd event of ‘Art for Eternity’ within the Week of Discovering European Cemeteries is called this year `Santander in flames’. In the 75th anniversary of the fire of the city, Ciriego joins the different commemorative cultural events that are taking places this year.

They are organized by the Cultural Counsellorship of the Santander City Council and coordinate by the historian Raquel Peña.
This year’s visit tries to remember not only the important figures of that moment like the major Emilio Pino, the photographer Samot or the family Pérez del Molino but also the members of the fire department and all those Santander citizens who saw their city disappear in flames.

This initiative wouldn’t be possible without the invaluable collaboration of the poets: Fernando Abascal, Carlos Alcorta, Eneko Vilches, Regino Mateo and Jaime Peña. Also this year we count the presents of ‘Escuela de Artes Escénicas del Palacio de Festivales’, ‘la Banda Municipal de Santander’ and ‘Musica Mundi’.

We would like to thank specially the family of Tomás and Alejandro Quintana for providing the pictures of their archive. Also a big thank you to the ‘Centro de Documentación de Imagen de Santander’ for collaborating again with us with pictures of the family Pérez de Molino.