Nicola Grosa and Soviet partisans in the Memorial of the Resistance of the Monumental Cemetery in Turin.
"72 years have elapsed since the end of the Second World War and 50 of the partition of the Monumental Cemetery in Turin to the Memorial of Resistance to honor the partisans who fell in the struggle against Nazi-fascism.
Among them, also dead in other Italian regions, there are ninety soldiers from the Soviet Union.
Nicola Grosa's "mission",sought to recover their bodies, reverberates the reconstruction of the year, the partisan militancy, and the circumstances of the death of these Soviet partisans and the memories of those who had the fortune to survive.
Rebuilding with the utmost accuracy the names and stories of the fallen is the best way to convey to young people the culture of tolerance and freedom and to teach them to oppose with all sorts of oppression, racism, xenophobia, and neo-fascism." (Anna Roberti)