AGM 2017: bus for participants

Transport from hotels to the University.

Our host for the AGM 2017, Harokopio University, organised a simple way to get to this year's venue.

A bus for 50 people will transport participants from the locations at following schedule.

Thursday 5th and Friday 6th

07:50 President hotel

08:00 Best Western Ilisia (The residents at  Divani Caravel are welcome to join the bus at  Best Western Ilisia)

08:10 Royal Olympic hotel  (very close to Metro Station Acropolis;  participants who stay elsewhere may join the bus there)

08:15 The Acropolis Kallirhoe

08:30 Harokopio University

The approximate route of the bus can be seen at this link.

Please note that bus will depart at the scheduled times so do not be late if you want arrive to the venue with this bus.

Saturday 7 Oct

A bus offered by the Municipality of Athens will transport participants to the First Cemetery of Athens (Arrival at 9:50 - 10 a.m.).

The bus will follow this schedule:

09:00 Best Western Ilisia (The residents at  Divani Caravel are welcome to join the bus at  Best Western Ilisia)

09:20 Royal Olympic hotel  (very close to Metro Station Acropolis;  participants who stay elsewhere may join the bus there)

9:30 The Acropolis Kallirhoe

The approximate route of the bus can be seen at this link.

After the guided visit the bus is going to transport us at 11:00 to the Acropolis Museum.