WDEC in Karlovac (Dubovac Cemetery), Croatia

#EuropeForCulture Within WDEC 2018 the Dubovac Catholic Cemetery in Karlovac, Croatia presents the lecture of prof. Marinka Mužar, who wrote a book: Dubovac Catholic Cemetery. This event will take place on May 30, 2018 beginning at 10:00 am at the Dubovac Catholic cemetery.
Following is the description of the grave Jordan, which will be mentioned in the lecture: 

In English (the Croatian version is featured below): 

On the Dubovac cemetery there are conservation and restoration works on the stone composition of the Jordan grave, which has been cleansed and hydrophobized. Jordan grave is a unique example of an architectural-sculptural allegorical figural group at the cemetery. Three softly modeled figures, except in the allegorical meaning of this earthly sadness for the deceased, the faith in the resurrection and the time that comes back, the melancholy expressions of the face and the eyes pointed at the grave, convey the emotion of deep sorrow. They are laid on high bases that are shaped like rocks used to accommodate plaques with epitaphs and epitaphs engraved in Croatian and German. Though treated as separate plastics, the analysis of the back wall removed gives frames, which contributes to the distinctly shaped shroud, the balanced composition puts them into an artistically successful, unique burial ground. The widow of Antun Jordan (1834-1895) who was a Mayor, Ambassador, Attorney and Chessman, Parliamentary Representative and Croatian Ambassador in (Buda)Pest, had the opportunity to engage in the performance of one of the most important Styrian stoneclimber and sculpture workshops, Franz Grein from Graz, the choice of material to accept the esteemed Karst marble. Antun Jordan, his wife Elvira Jordan, born Ressman, her father, Matija Ressman, and the baroness Amalia Prohaska are buried here.

In Croatian: 

Na katoličkom groblju Dubovac završeni su konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi na kamenoj kompoziciji groba Jordan koja je očišćena i hidrofobizirana. Grob Jordan jedinstven je primjer arhitektonsko-skulpturalne alegorijske figuralne grupe na groblju. Tri meko modelirane figure, osim u alegorijskome značenju ovozemaljske tuge za pokojnikom, vjere u uskrsnuće i vremena koje se vraća, melankoličnim izrazima lica i pogleda uperena prema grobu, prenose emociju duboke tuge. Postavljene su na visoke baze koje su oblikovane kao stijene iskorištene za smještaj polja s natpisima i epitafima uklesanim na hrvatskome i njemačkome jeziku. Iako tretirane kao zasebne plastike kojima raščlamba pozadinskoga odmaknutog zida daje okvire, čemu doprinose i izdvojene oblikovane pokrovne ploče, izbalansirana kompozicija stavlja ih u umjetnički uspjela jedinstvenu grobljansku cjelinu. Udovica Antune Jordana (1834-1895), gradonačelnika, veleposjednika, odvjetnika i šahista, saborskog zastupnika i hrvatskog izaslanika u Pešti, imala je mogučnosti da za izvedbu spomenika angažira jednu od najznačajnijih štajerskih kamenoklesarskih i kiparskih radionica, onu Franza Greina iz Graza, a kao izbor materijala prihvatiti cijenjeni kararski mramor. Ukopani su Antun Jordan, njegova supruga dobrotvorka Elvira Jordan rođena Ressman, njezin otac Matija Ressman i barunica Amalia Prohaska.