WDEC in Ljubljana, Slovenia

#EuropeForCulture During the Week of Discovering European Cemeteries (WDEC), which takes place within the framework of the Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe (ASCE), this year we will organise free guided tours around the Žale cemetery.

Guided tours of the cultural heritage of the Žale cemetery will be held twice a day from 28 May 2018 to 2 June 2018. The guide will be waiting for you in front of the administrative building at Plečnikovih Žalah (Plečnik's propile) at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m..

During the guided tour you will visit the famous Plečnik's Žale, the graves of well-known Slovenians, the works of famous architects and sculptors, and other important parts of the Žale cemetery, which is actually an outdoor museum.

Cemeteries as a cultural heritage are an important part of our history and art, and therefore are the tourist attractions of cities where one can feel the history and culture of the local population. One such is also the Žale cemetery. Due to its high cultural, historical and artistic value, it is one of the most beautiful European cemeteries. Many giants of our history are buried at the Žale cemetery: poets, writers, sculptors, painters, composers, architects, actors, engineers, politicians, athletes, etc. There are also many cemeteries from the I. and II. World War II in the cemetery and other memorials. The cemetery is also important as the second largest city (Ljubljana) park and is interesting in all seasons of the year. 

In Slovenian: 

V času Dnevov dediščine evropskih pokopališč, ki potekajo v okviru mednarodnega Združenja pomembnih evropskih pokopališč (ASCE), bomo tudi letos organizirali brezplačna vodenja po pokopališču Žale.

Vodenja po kulturni dediščini pokopališča Žale bodo potekala dvakrat dnevno od 28. 5. 2018 do vključno 2. 6. 2018. Vodnik vas bo pričakal pred upravno stavbo na Plečnikovih Žalah (Plečnikov propilej) ob 10. in ob 17. uri.

V okviru vodenega ogleda si boste ogledali znamenite Plečnikove Žale, grobove znanih Slovencev, dela znanih arhitektov in kiparjev  ter druge pomembnejše dele pokopališča Žale, ki je dejansko muzej na prostem.

Pokopališča so kot kulturna dediščina pomemben del naše zgodovine in umetnosti ter so zato tudi turistične znamenitosti mest, kjer je mogoče začutiti zgodovino in kulturo lokalnega prebivalstva. Eno takšnih je tudi pokopališče Žale. Zaradi svoje visoke kulturno-zgodovinske in umetniške vrednosti je eno najlepših evropskih pokopališč. Na pokopališču Žale so pokopani mnogi velikani naše zgodovine: pesniki, pisatelji, kiparji, slikarji, skladatelji, arhitekti, igralci, inženirji, politiki, športniki, itd. Prav tako je na njem veliko pokopališč iz I. in II. svetovne vojne ter drugih spominskih obeležij. Pokopališče je pomembno tudi kot drugi največji mestni park in je zanimivo v vseh letnih časih.

Vljudno vabljeni!