“Il Liceo Galvani e la Certosa - caccia ai tesori”
“Liceo Galvani and the Certosa - Treasure Hunt”Thursday 23 May, at 15:30 and 16:30 | guided tour
Certosa Cemetery - Via della Certosa 18
Explore the cemetery on a walk with young students who have been learning about this largest monument in Bologna. This event is the outcome of a school-work learning initiative involving the secondary school Liceo Ginnasio Luigi Galvani and Bologna’s Museum of the Risorgimento.
The meeting point is in the church courtyard by the main entrance to the Certosa.
Our visitors with a Musei Metropolitani Bologna card will receive a gift at the entrance.
Entry is free.
“Le donne e l’atelier dell’artista nell’Ottocento”
“Women and the Artist’s Workshop in the Ottocento”
Friday 24 May, at 17:00 | talk
Fondazione Collegio Artistico Venturoli - Via Centotrecento 4
A meeting with art historians Ornella Chillè and Ilaria Chia on the place and presence of women in the artist’s workshop. The images trace a kind of journey, where women are first seen in the traditional guise of painter’s model or muse, becoming more proactive later in the century. The paintings by Telemaco Signorini, Odoardo Borrani and Giacomo Favretto depict women as the visitors to artists’ studios, galleries and museums and as researchers and experts in art. Women increasingly become artists in their own right, and their path of development is depicted by painters like Gerolamo and Domenico Induno. Bologna’s own artists slide into this cultural landscape, as we can see in the works by Luigi Serra, Raffaele Faccioli, Fabio Fabbi, Giovanni Masotti, Cleto Capri and Enea Monti.
Entry is free.
For information, call +39 051 234866 (Monday to Friday, 10:00 to 13:00) or write to:info@collegioventuroli.191.it
“La Certosa di Bologna | un libro aperto sulla storia”
“The Certosa of Bologna | An Open Book on History”
Sunday 26 May, at 10:30 | guided tour
Certosa Cemetery - Via della Certosa 18
A walk for visitors who have never been here before, and an ABC of our Certosa, from the Etruscan cemetery and monastery to the “modern cemetery” and our best-known masterpieces, plus lots of other highlights.
Curated by Associazione Culturale Didasco.
Booking required, call +39 0348 1431230 (afternoon - evening)
The meeting point is in the church courtyard by the main entrance to the Certosa.
Our visitors with a Musei Metropolitani Bologna card will receive a gift at the entrance.
Tickets: € 10.00 (€ 2.00 from every ticket will go directly towards the Certosa)
“Forme di marmo | percorso tattile tra chiostri, sale e gallerie”
“Forms in Marble | A Tactile Tour Through Cloisters, Halls and Galleries"
Sunday 26 May, at 15:00 and 16:30 | guided tour
Certosa Cemetery - Via della Certosa 18
Roberto Martorelli and Paola Sema will guide visitors on this tour, open to all but designed especially for our visitors who are blind or visually impaired. Explore the flowers, garments, faces and bodies of the marbles and bronzes situated in Bologna’s largest monumental complex.
Curated by the Museum of the Risorgimento of Bologna.
Limited places Booking required, call +39 051 225583 or write to museorisorgimento@comune.bologna.it.
The meeting point is in the church courtyard by the main entrance to the Certosa.
Linked to: IT.A.CÀ - Festival of Responsible Tourism
Entry is free.
“Ritualità del silenzio | Guida per il cerimoniere funebre”
“Rituals of Silence | A Guide for the Funeral Director”
Monday 27 May, at 20:30 | conference
Certosa Cemetery - Via della Certosa 18
Meeting with Maria Angela Gelati, curator of the social project and showcase “Il Rumore del Lutto” (The Noise of Mourning) of Parma. The event starts with a guided tour and visitors then meet Maria Angela Gelati, author of “Ritualità del Silenzio” (Rituals of Silence), published by Nuovadimensione 2018. This event offers a window onto the new demands connected to the growing number of private and non-religious rituals taking place alongside traditional and religious ceremonies.
Curated by the Museum of the Risorgimento of Bologna.
Booking required, call +39 051 225583 or write to museorisorgimento@comune.bologna.it.
The meeting point is in the church courtyard by the main entrance to the Certosa.
Entry is free.
“Bologna Noir | delitti e misteri in Certosa”
“Bologna Noir | Crimes and Mysteries at the Certosa”Wednesday 29 May, at 21:00 | guided tour
Certosa Cemetery - Via della Certosa 18
The Certosa statues have witnessed real crimes, but the cemetery has also been the stage of fantastic tales, amid talks with ghosts and bats flying in the light of the moon. A night time tour in the midst of art, literature and mystery, in the company of Barbara Baraldi, author of “Osservatore Oscuro” (Dark Observer) published by Giunti.
Curated by Associazione Culturale Didasco.
Booking required, call +39 0348 1431230 (afternoon - evening)
The meeting point is in the church courtyard by the main entrance to the Certosa.
Our visitors with a Musei Metropolitani Bologna card will receive a gift at the entrance.
Tickets: € 10.00 (€ 2.00 from every ticket will go directly towards the Certosa)
“Maria Brizzi Giorgi | Diva della Musica, Musa di Rossini”
“Maria Brizzi Giorgi | Music Diva, Rossini’s Muse”
Thursday 30 May, at 17:30 | guided tour
Certosa Cemetery - Via della Certosa 18
A walk among work and music with Roberto Martorelli and Loris Rabiti. An insight into the cultural and social world orbiting around one of the most striking celebrities on the Jacobite stage of Bologna and elsewhere.
Curated by the Museum of the Risorgimento of Bologna.
Booking required, call +39 051 225583 or write to museorisorgimento@comune.bologna.it.
The meeting point is in the church courtyard by the main entrance to the Certosa.
Our visitors with a Musei Metropolitani Bologna card will receive a gift at the entrance.
Tickets: € 4.00
“Questo l'ho fatto io!”’
“I Did This!”
Wednesday 1 June, at 16:00 | guided tour
Certosa Cemetery - Via della Certosa 18
A walk with volunteers from “Amici della Certosa” to admire some of the ninety monuments they take care of as part of their cleaning and tidying scheme. Visitors can understand how this active citizen involvement project can help the public to maintain our heritage and learn about our history.
Curated by Associazione Amici della Certosa.
The meeting point is in the church courtyard by the main entrance to the Certosa.
Entry is free.
For information, call +39 345 2699200 (afternoon and evening) or write to: amicidellacertosa@gmail.com
“L'eleganza e la raffinatezza dell'Art Nouveau | due artisti a confronto”
“Elegance and Sophistication in Art Nouveau | Two Artists Compared”Sunday 2 June, ore 10.30 | guided tour
Certosa Cemetery - Via della Certosa 18
Alfonso Borghesani and Arturo Orsoni were among the most prolific artists at the Certosa in the early 20th century, creating the marbles and bronzes that adorn the cemetery landscape, in a style straddling Verism, Art Nouveau and a hint of Art Deco. This tour concentrates on these two elegant artists, in the company of Vincenzo Favaro and Roberto Martorelli.
Curated by the Museum of the Risorgimento of Bologna.
The meeting point is in the church courtyard by the main entrance to the Certosa.
Entry is free.
Museum of the Risorgimento.
Piazza Carducci 5 | 40125 Bologna
tel. + 39 051 347592
museorisorgimento@comune.bologna.it - www.museibologna.it/risorgimento
Facebook: Museo civico del Risorgimento - Certosa di Bologna