On October 7th, 2020, the online ASCE Annual General Meeting took place with live broadcasting from Vienna (Austria).
After the postponement of the Annual General Meeting in Milano (Italy) due to the coronavirus situation, a shorter online AGM was prepared. In accordance with all safety regulations, the ASCE presidency met in Vienna (Austria) and led the online meeting with live broadcasting on October 7th, 2020.
The most important topics addressed were:
1. General Assembly (first call)
2. ASCE financial report for 2019
A very well balanced finances statement provides a secure future for general work of ASCE. Surplus of previous years is notable in financial assets of ASCE.3. ASCE activities report
Overview of projects, activities, events and news from 2020. Among others:- presentation of the online tool for membership overview and exchanging data
- presentation of new delegated ASCE Steering Committee Representatives that will help to promote ASCE in their region through different projects and gain new members of ASCE:
- Olaf Ihlefeld from Berlin, Germany
- Ian Dungavel from London, UK
- Sara Carlquist from Stockholm, Sweden
- presentation of new ASCE Scientific committee representative:
- Ioanna Paraskevopoulou from Athens, Greece (a PhD student at Harokopio University of Athens)
4. New ASCE members
Presentation of new members who have joined ASCE between September 21st, 2019 and September 30th, 2020:- City Council of Fernán Núñez, Spain - Municipal Cemetery of Fernán Núñez
- City of Rouen (Ville de Rouen), France - Monumental Cemetery (Cimetiere Monumental)
- Din l-Art Helwa (National Trust of Malta), Valletta, Malta - Msida Bastion Historic Garden
- Pogrebno Kotor, Kotor, Montenegro - Cemetery Skaljari
- Arciconfraternita di S. Maria del Popolo, Naples, Italy - “Cemetery of 366 Fosses”