Discover the historical and architectural relevance of the Piratello Cemetery (Imola, Italy) on June 4, 2022.
"Under the shadow of a beautiful flower"

On Saturday, June 4, 2022, at 10am, a guided tour will take place at the Piratello Cemetery (40026 IMOLA via Emilia Ponente 24/a) on the topic "Under the shadow of a beautiful flower".
In the company of Daniela Martelli and Marco Pelliconi we will discover the historical and architectural relevance of the Piratello Cemetery and the well-known personalities who are buried there.
The event is curated by ANPI Imola and CIDRA.
Reservations required
The tour can be attended by a maximum of 25 people. Reservations are required by phone 0542 23131 (on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 9 to 11.30 am) or via email imola@anpi.it.