About the workshop
The Teaching Project inaugurated with the workshop entitled “Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: Cultural Heritage, Landscape and Tourism” is based within a consolidated international network of contacts acquired with Italian and foreign universities as part of the scientific and teaching activities of the University Network for Cultural Routes Studies under the patronage of the European Institute of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.
The workshop took place between July and October 2022 with the aim to address, through a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective, the theme of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, which in their specificity represent a crucial node in the active interpretation of cultural heritage and are strategic tools for guiding processes of territorial and landscape valorization. The activities also involved the collaboration of lecturers from other universities and from numerous national and international institutions and associations, as well as public administrations.
The workshop lasted a total of 75 hours and was organized in three main modules: lectures, site visits days, and project activities.
European Cemeteries Route at the workshop

Manager of European Cemeteries Route, Mr Dušan Vrban, gave a presentation at the workshop about the added value of stories in managing cultural tourism on the example of cemeteries and European Cemeteries Route.
He also highlighted the different marketing approaches that are being implemented by European Cemeteries Route in that context and can be applied in various fields.
The topic of the presentation is also elaborated in his article in the workshop's publication that you can download below.
Online publication

The outcomes of this successful international workshop are presented in an online publication which is available for download at this LINK.
The publication intends to summarise what matured during the opening experience of the Teaching Project, collecting some reflections of the lecturers and invited guests who have offered their contribution regarding the seminar days, together with the outcome of the students’ final projects.
The volume is therefore structured into three main parts: short essays, collects a photo diary of site visits days, and students’ final project proposals.
Development of the project in the future
The workshop represented the first event of a growing teaching project that intends to become a summer school, held on an annual or biennial basis, with the involvement of other university members of the network and open to international students.
*Source: Introduction text from the workshop publication by Silvia Beltramo, www.academia.edu