About the guided tour
The guided tour will take place on Saturday, 6 May 2023, at 2.30 pm, starting at the entrance of the Monumental cemetery of Piratello by the office building (Emilia ponenete 24, Imola).
Guided tour "Among the big trees of Piratello - the personalities who took care of the environment" follows the architectural development of the cemetery from the opening to the latest creations with the identification of the notable essences still present and the burials of personalities who for various aspects (legislative, geological, social) have dealt with development of the environment.
Even deep changes to the natural environment of the place often happen with significant human interventions, but then the built elements and the vegetation together created a new environment.
We will retrace the evolutionary history of the Piratello cemetery both in the monumental part and in the more recent part. Along the way, the botanical aspect will be highlighted together with the architectural one. The development of the tour includes visits to the burials of notable characters who have contributed to the development of today’s concept of environment. Some examples: Scarabelli, Pasolini dall’Onda, Codronchi, Marabini Andrea, Azzi.
The tour will be guided by Daniela Martelli and Marco Pelliconi.
Reservations required
The places for the guided tour are limited to a maximum of 25 people.
Information and reservations at the email attivita.culturali@comune.imola.bo.it or by phone 0542 602300.
The event is organized by ANPI Imola and CIDRA.