About the exhibition
"Arrolos ao ar" (Lullabies in the air), a photo exhibition on perinatal mourning, is the result of the collaborative work of affected people and entities and institutions in the health and funeral field.
It highlights the mourning process after a pregnancy loss or that which occurs during the perinatal period. An area which is very poorly understood and requires measures like this to be made visible and put in evidence as an important part of the process of pain, in which mothers and fathers are submerged at the moment when the illusion of a new life is cut short by the sudden departure of the baby.
Throughout the exhibition, we can see in each of the totems how the affected people strip naked to let us participate in their way of living this painful experience, their emotions, their goodbyes, their memories.
The Garden of Lullabies
The "Xardín dos Arrolos" (Garden of Lullabies) is a perinatal mourning space recently created in the Municipal Cemetery of San Froilán. It represents the union of people and work groups that come together in this beautiful platform where mutual support serves as collective consolation and helps recover hope.