Burial grounds & archaeology – online talk

Wednesday, 24 May 2023, at 6:30 pm
In this talk, archaeologist Robyn Lacey will discuss working in burial grounds as an archaeologist. She'll share insights gathered from these sites through excavation and surface survey and the importance of preserving them for future generations. Furthermore, Robyn will discuss her ongoing PhD research on burial landscape development in colonial settlements in North America and what it tells us about the people living and dying there.
More info and ticket purchase at https://arnosvale.org.uk/burial-grounds-archaeology/
Birds and Bird song tour

Saturday, 27 May 2023, at 10:30 am
Witness nature’s musical marvel of birdsong. The cemetery is a haven for birdlife and is home to a beautiful array of plants, wildlife, and trees. This walk promises a unique aural experience of hearing the gorgeous songs of resident and migrant bird species, with tips on their identification, led by ecologist Mary Wood. This walk will take in various parts of the 45-acre site from grassland to woodland, from managed land to wild spaces.
More info and ticket purchase at https://arnosvale.org.uk/birds-and-birdsong-tour/
Ceremonial way tour

Sunday, 28 May 2023, at 10:30 am
Explore the beautiful architecture and amazing graves of Bristol’s past, and hear stories of the people involved, in our physically accessible Ceremonial Way Tour. Learn fascinating facts about Arnos Vale and enjoy the beautiful landscape and views on this carefully designed tour. This is our most accessible tour - it's on the flat and has regular rest points on the route.
The tour is free as part of Bristol Walk Fest. Reservations are required at https://arnosvale.org.uk/ceremonial-way-tour-2/
Big Bug Hunt for family audiences

Tuesday, 30 May 2023, at 10:30 am and at 11:30 am
Get outdoors and find clues of the brilliant bugs that live in Arnos Vale. Find out why the cemetery is an amazing habitat and then learn how you can welcome critters into your garden. Finish off with a fantastic bug hunt in the woods. This activity is suitable for 4 + but all ages are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
More info and ticket purchase at https://arnosvale.org.uk/big-bug-hunt/
A Bat Walk

Wednesday, 31 May 2023 and Thursday, 1 June 2023, at 8:45 pm
Spend a fascinating evening in the knowledgeable company of ecologists from Mott McDonald. They'll share research and facts on bats and the natural history of the wonderful species found here, including lesser horseshoe bats and pipistrelles. They'll be joined by Janine Marriott who'll share the history of the landscape, the reasons why it's so special for bats, and how they are of such value to the cemetery and Bristol.
More info and ticket purchase at https://arnosvale.org.uk/bat-tour/
The funerals that went wrong – online talk

Wednesday, 7 June 2023, at 18:30 pm
We all know how Victorian funerals were supposed to be conducted? They were terribly staid and rigid and conforming to societal convention... right? Wrong. In "The Funerals That Went Wrong", discover how, in the moment when decorum and etiquette counted the most, the dead were overlooked by the drama of the human condition. Sometimes humorous, sometimes mortifying, these stories trample on the Victorian ideal of the Good Death.
More info and ticket purchase at https://arnosvale.org.uk/the-funerals-that-went-wrong/