About the webinar
The Foundation for Jewish Heritage invites you to attend a free webinar that explores "How and to what extent Jewish cemeteries can and are currently being used as visitor destinations across Europe."
The day will begin with an introduction to the project by the Foundation for Jewish Heritage Chair Dame Helen Hyde, and followed by a keynote lecture by Dr Paul Darby.
The rest of the day will include a rich and varied programme of speakers from across Europe, who will present case studies of key findings from Dr Darby’s report.
You can find the detailed program in the attached photo.
How to participate?
The webinar will take place via Zoom on Wednesday, 24 May 2023, starting at 9.30am CET and concluding at 5pm CET.
Participation is free.
You can book your spot at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jewish-cemeteries-as-visitor-destinations-tickets-607408022747.
*Photo: Jewish part of the Kozala Cemetery in Rijeka, Croatia.