The objective of the Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe (ASCE) is to raise European citizen awareness of the importance of significant cemeteries. We encourage people to visit and explore cemeteries, learn about them, and in this way, start seeing them as places of life that carry a rich cultural heritage. For this to be possible, cemeteries must be accessible to everyone - including people with disabilities or reduced mobility.
The COCEMFE's project
The Spanish Confederation of People with Physical and/or Organic Disabilities (COCEMFE) Asturias is currently working on a project, in which they try to make a cemetery area located in a natural space as accessible as possible for people with disabilities and/or reduced mobility, so that all citizens can make use of this new public space.
Since this is a very important topic that should be exposed more often, we are reaching out to our ASCE and European Cemeteries Route members as well as all other cemetery managers. On behalf of the COCEMFE, we are asking you to share your examples of successful practices regarding accessibility challenges in your cemeteries. We encourage you to provide insights into how you have overcome these issues, ensuring maximum accessibility for all cemetery visitors. Additionally, suggestions for further improvements on this field are welcomed.
Share examples of good practices
If you believe that your cemetery has implemented effective solutions to facilitate easy access for individuals with disabilities and mobility impairments, please contact David Fernández González from the Oficina Técnica de Accesibilidad at accesibilidad@cocemfeasturias.es.
We hope that as many of our members as possible can serve as exemplary models in promoting accessibility on cemeteries!