WDEC 2024 and the United Nations goal 11
For centuries, cemeteries have been the green oases of the cities. All through the industrial revolution, while cities were expanding the concrete and glass building, cemeteries preserved and expanded nature.

It is incorporated deep within the mission of the cemeteries to provide a peaceful environment where the visitor can relax and focus on memories. Cultural heritage of significant cemeteries therefore does not reflect only in impressive monuments or mausoleums, but as much in their planned and peaceful horticultural landscape architecture. It is part of historical evidence on how European citizens feel and act about nature.
In 2024 the Association of Significant Cemeteries of Europe decided to use this cultural heritage asset and impact the future of Europe. Inviting its members to organise events during the Week of Discovering European Cemeteries which will influence visitors to consider their impact on the city sustainability. Expose good practices that everyone can consider in their daily life within the cemetery or outside.
Aligning our annual activities with the United Nations goal 11 from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
22 members from 7 European countries followed by organising over 30 events related to sustainability. From guided tours to exhibitions dedicated to promoting and learning about sustainable development. 2 countries reacted by organising larger scale national calls to incorporate related activities into cemeteries.
Examples of good practice

In Slovenia a cooperation with the Chamber of Public Utilities of Slovenia (ZKGS) was initiated by the ASCE preceding member Maribor. A national initiative was assembled featuring various year-round activities focused on environmental sustainability. A key component of this initiative was the invitation to cemetery managers to plant sample graves with drought-resistant plants at their cemeteries. This activity in particular resulted in an enlarged impact as besides Maribor and Ljubljana, various cemeteries which are not members of the ASCE network joined. Town of Velenje even incorporated the initiative in Podkraj cemetery arrangements in the project Entente Florale Europe - competing for the most beautifully arranged town of Europe.
Italian association SEFIT produced a 56-page booklet highlighting the cemeteries' commitment to environmental sustainability and the fight against climate change. The booklet featured a rich program of cultural events and guided tours at cemeteries in the cities of Ferrara, Rome, Verona, Genoa, Milan, Mantua, Turin, Bologna, Trento, Bolzano, Modena, Treviso, and Venice.

In Vienna, a rich program prolonged all over summer adding activities like workshops on gardening, wildlife photography, bee-friendly initiatives and other aspects. At Eastern Cemetery in Oslo various water saving and other projects were presented including innovative gravestones which collect rainwater. Cementiris de Barcelona has organised an exhibition installed at the Montjuïc Cemetery, which presents the initiatives they have undertaken to mitigate these negative effects and the measures adopted to reduce environmental impact. All visitors and schools participating in cultural visits and educational activities at the Montjuïc Cemetery have attended this exhibition. The Evangelical Cemetery Association of Berlin City Center organised educational tours including long days in the cemeteries and rainwater management. KD Kozala in Rijeka prepared a dedicated mobile guide for discovering plants at the cemeteries and organised a guided tour for the visitors. In Karlovac a cultural day for students from the high school of forestry and woodworking was organised emphasising the importance of natural preservation and work with plants in the cemetery. In Avigliana the plans for installing a fully sustainable solar lighting system along tilia-tree (Tilia Vulgaris) lined walkway was presented as well as the project of transforming the dried cypress into a wooden art.
Significant cemeteries for sustainable Europe

Overall in 2024 ASCE has accomplished to initiate and develop a project which marks an entire new chapter of our work and dedication. Reaching thousands of people across Europe and raising awareness of cultural and natural heritage resting in cemeteries is only a beginning.
Within the new ASCE initiative "Significant cemeteries for sustainable Europe", we will continue to strive in reaching more visitors with important messages from the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Program for 2025 is already prepared and will ensure further ideas and activities supporting this important agenda are aligned with the mission of ASCE: To promote European cemeteries as a fundamental part of the heritage of humanity.