The growing peace tree at Lister Lane Cemetery

Blooming peace tree at Lister Lane Cemetery
A year after it was planted, the peace tree continues to adorn Lister Lane Cemetery, supporting local wildlife and reminding us of the importance of peace.

Importance of the peace tree

On 12th November 2023, a Hawthorn tree was planted at Lister Lane Cemetery in Halifax, United Kingdom, as part of the ASCE Peace Tree Project. The project encourages the planting of trees at cemeteries worldwide as a living reminder to "Live in peace to rest in peace".

The Hawthorn, chosen for its longevity and significance to local wildlife, is now thriving in the cemetery. Its beautiful blossoms provide food for bees, and the berries attract birds, contributing to the delicate ecosystem of the cemetery grounds.

This tree is not just a symbol of remembrance but also of growth, renewal, and the importance of fostering peace in our daily lives. As it grows, so too does our hope for a peaceful future.

Peace tree at Lister Lane Cemetery Plaque next to the peace tree at Lister Lane Cemetery