For centuries, cemeteries have been the green oases of the cities. All through the industrial revolution, while cities were expanding the concrete and glass buildings, cemeteries preserved and expanded nature. Preserved peace and tranquillity of the human soul.
In 2025 members of ASCE will join hands to use this element in promoting peace. As 80 years are passing since the largest world conflict ended, we will promote 80 exceptional stories, moments, people, monuments or spaces which contributed to goal 16 of the UN 2030 agenda. Stories that brought humanity closer together by promoting just, peaceful and inclusive societies.
Project is part of the initiative Cemeteries for Sustainable Europe which emerged in 2024 in order to promote the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Gardens of 80 project
80 stories, moments, people, monuments, spaces
We are looking for 80 stories in significant European cemeteries which align to the goal 16 of the UN 2030 agenda. Stories that contribute to peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. People who made it possible for others to be free of fear from all forms of violence and feel safe as they go about their lives whatever their ethnicity, faith or sexual orientation.
Stories that contributed to the 80 years of the conflicts not escalating globally. Thus we encourage members to find stories in local history about preventing conflict escalation in peaceful times. Stories about people who noticed the struggles of the suppressed and the conflicts they encountered. As they intervened the conflict reduced allowing society to progress their lives without further conflicts. Developing a society that is sustainable because of peace.
Physical memorial spaces
One of the most important aspects of the project is generating physical memorial spaces as they should be the catalyst of prolonged awareness building.
We encourage members to prepare anything within the following options, but they may work out other solutions themselves:
- Planting 80 trees or other plants in a dedicated area
- Any plants can be used but bearing in mind that long-term establishment is encouraged. Depending on the climate, general cemetery development plans and other locally important aspects, members can develop their own ideas.
- However it is important to mark the area with a dedicated visible plaque(s) that highlight the project and its digital channels.
- Members may combine this with the Peace tree project.
- Number of plants can be lower.
- Dedicating an area to the project
- Even in absence of the possibilities to plant new plants, already existing areas can be used. Positioning a plaque or other installation in the area highlighting the project and its digital channels.
- This could be particularly useful in cases of abandoned areas that may not serve for burials in the future (due to urbanism and other changes). Or else in the tree avenues that already exist and could be named as Gardens of 80.
- Even including some artistic installations is encouraged in such areas.
Please note again that any other creative solution is highly encouraged and welcome. The important aspects are that the space is in open space with plants and has a visible project plaque or other attribution.
Members are encouraged to prepare and execute events with high media impact. In this manner ASCE proposes events that:
- have a clear promotional message to celebrate exceptional stories that promote goal 16 of the UN agenda 2030
- should clearly state that many events on sustaining peace happen in peaceful times (it is not about war heroes)
- incorporate United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development especially the goal 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions)
- include schools and other institutions which help maintain justice for all
Overall there may be several events throughout the 2025 which help society understand the development of the garden itself - from planting trees to inauguration of the plaque or monument or other activities.
Do consider inviting the related institutions which may have interest in the project itself - courts, legal associations, universities, NGOs or other organisations.
It is of the highest importance that the project and event is strictly devoted to the promotion of peace sustainability activities. Rather than war, the vocabulary of the activities should be peace. Rather than 80 years since WW2, we should impose 80 years of peace stories.
Aligning with WDEC (Week of Discovering European Cemeteries)
The initiative Cemeteries for Sustainable Europe is a multi-year project devoted to promoting the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
So in the following years we will encourage members to devote their activities within WDEC to various UN agenda goals.
While our WDEC focus in 2025 will be Gardens of 80, members can continue working on 2024 focus - goal 11 (Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable) if they find that more suitable for them.
Project outline
The ASCE presidency will prepare and work on the dedicated project page by gathering and promoting member’s activities.
In the beginning of 2025 a call for stories will be launched where members will be able to apply with their proposed activities. For the call please prepare the following (in English):
- Title of your activity
- Short description
- Extended description
- 1-3 high quality photos
- Important event(s)
- Event title
- Date and time
- Cemetery in which activity will take place
- (optional) Link to event details
- Tags (person, year, plants names, symbols…)
- (optional) Link to your dedicated webpage or social media profile including more information
Best activities will be awarded and presented as the best practice examples in AGM 2025 and at other ASCE events.