Feriköy Protestant Cemetery, Istanbul: New website, new bulletin

Feriköy Protestant Cemetery
The Feriköy Protestant Cemetery Initiative has updated its website, which includes the latest edition of the bulletin The Ledger.
The Ledger

The Feriköy Protestant Cemetery Initiative has updated its website with fresh content about the cemetery and the Initiative’s efforts to preserve and promote it for more than half a decade. Besides presenting six years of activities and outreach, the site contains publications and other resources about the cemetery. 

Included among the items is the latest edition of the Initiative’s bulletin, The Ledger, published in December 2024. Entering its fifth year in 2025, the bulletin not only reports current happenings but also features articles about the cemetery's inhabitants and history, highlighting new information as it comes to light.

Inquiries about the Feriköy Protestant Cemetery Initiative and its projects can be sent to info@ferikoycemetery.org. Correspondence about The Ledger can be addressed to the editor bdjohnson62@gmail.com.