
Week of Discovering European Cemeteries

 All about the WDEC and an overview of past events.

About WDEC

Each year, within 1 week, cemeteries across Europe organize events and activities to raise European citizens awareness of the importance of significant cemeteries. Exhibitions, concerts, guided tours, seminars, workshops and other activities take place. It is the most important event and project of our association, exposing the cemeteries in a different perspective to all their visitors.

WDEC 2024: Environmental sustainability and climate change

The Week of Discovering European Cemeteries 2024, took place from 24 May to 2 June, and focused on cemeteries' dedication to environmental sustainability and fight against climate change.

This important issue was highlighted through various events and activities, showcasing different ways in which cemeteries and their visitors can contribute to reducing environmental impact. More about this year's topic can be found HERE.

Some of the events are presented below, while the complete list of events of the WDEC 2024 is available HERE.