Il Camposanto di Pinti di Firenze è uno dei cimiteri monumentali più antichi del capoluogo toscano. Appartiene alla Venerabile Arciconfraternita della Misericordia di Firenze che, sin dalla sua medievale fondazione, si impegnò in opere di solidarietà, in primis quella di dare onorata sepoltura ai defunti.
Dopo secoli, nei quali i capitani seguivano l’uso comune di seppellire i morti intorno o all’interno della chiese o lungo le mura della città, con il Settecento si dovettero adattare alle nuove normative introdotte dal granduca Pietro Leopoldo che prevedevano l’installazione di siti cimiteriale lontani dall’abitato. Fu in questa occasione che la Misericordia provvide all’acquisto di un campo adatto all’uso, all’epoca lontano dalla vita urbana, oggi completamente inglobata.
Il cimitero, completo di oratorio e porticato ad emiciclo composto da un ordine di colonne - quasi ad abbracciare il visitatore- venne solennemente inaugurato nel 1839 con il funerale del primo defunto. I suoi ideatori furono l’ing. Paolo Veraci, seguito successivamente da Gaetano Baccani. Nel 1878 l’ing. Angelo Maiorfi fu incaricato a completare le opere murarie con la costruzione di due celle laterali per l’ampliamento della capacità ricettiva e con la costruzione di un ingresso in stile neo-classico, ornato nella parte interna da due statue di angeli dello scultore Odoardo Fantachiotti.
Nei suoi quasi 60 anni di vita (1839-1898), nei quali sono compresi anche quelli di Firenze capitale, al Camposanto di Pinti hanno trovato la loro ultima dimora numerosi personaggi illustri; ricordiamo Emilio De Fabbris, progettista della facciata del Duomo di S. Maria del Fiore di Firenze, Gaetano Bianchi, restauratore e pittore, Michele Rapisardi, pittore, Pietro Dazzi fondatore delle Scuole del Popolo, il marchese Carlo Strozzi, storico e archeologo, Massimiliano Giarrè, letterato e patriota, Teodulo Mabellini, musicista, Cesare Guasti, archivista dell’Opera del Duomo, Silvestro Leopardi, senatore del Regno, Vincenzo Batelli, editore e tipografo, Giuseppe Barellai, pediatra e ideatore delle colonie estive per bambini e Giovanni Baldasseroni, politico italiano.
Nel 1898 la Confraternita della Misericordia decide di chiudere il cimitero di Pinti per aprire le porte ad un altro camposanto, molto più grande e più consono ai tempi. Da allora “Pinti” è stato aperto solo per chi desiderava a salutare i propri cari. Su forte richiesta, la Misericordia l’anno scorso ha allestito un percorso di sicurezza che permette oggi, finalmente, agli interessati di accedere al camposanto con delle visite guidate.
Showing posts with label Misericordia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Misericordia. Show all posts
Pinti Cemetery: a 19th century cemetery belonging to the Venerable Brotherhood of Misericordia of Florence
The Pinti Cemetery is one of the most ancient monumental cemeteries in Florence. The cemetery belongs to the Venerable Brotherhood of Misericordia of Florence which since its medieval establishment provides gestures of solidarity, in primis to give proper burial to the deceased.
Throughout the centuries, following the common practice of that time, “the Brothers” used to bury the deceased around and inside churches or beside the city walls. In the eighteenth century the Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo of Lorena introduced new laws concerning the establishment of new cemeteries which had to be far from the inhabited areas. Abiding by these laws the Misericordia bought a suitable field which was far from the inhabited area at that time but it has merged into the city nowadays.
The cemetery was solemnly inaugurated with the funeral of the first deceased in 1839. The cemetery has an oratory and a semi circular porch made up of an order of columns as to embrace the visitors. The Cemetery has been designed by the engineer Paolo Veraci, followed later on by Gaetano Baccani. In 1878 engineer Angelo Maiorfi is charged with completing the building works by adding two new cells on the sides, along with a new Neoclassical Entrance which is adorned by two angel statues carved by the sculptor Odoardo Fantachiotti.
Throughout its lifespan of 60 years, from 1839 until 1898, within which Florence has been capital of Italy, many personalities have been buried at Pinti Cemetery, among them Emilio De Fabbris the project creator of the facade of Florence Dome Santa Maria del Fiore, the painter Michele Rapisardi, the painter Pietro Dazzi founder of Scuole del Popolo, the marquis Carlo Strozzi, historian and archaeologist, Massimiliano Giarré, humanist and patriot, Teodulo Mabellini, musician, Cesare Guasti archivist at Opera del Duomo, Silvestro Leopardi, Senatore Regno, Vincenzo Batelli, editor and typographer, Giuseppe Barellai, paediatrician and founder of children summer camps and Giovanni Baldasseroni, Italian politician.
In 1898 the Venerable Brotherhood of Misericordia decided to close the Pinti Cemetery and to open another much wider cemetery which was more appropriate to the times. Since then the Pinti Cemetery is opened only to those who want to greet their beloved ones.
Since last year guided tours are organised to allow interested people to visit the cemetery.
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Throughout the centuries, following the common practice of that time, “the Brothers” used to bury the deceased around and inside churches or beside the city walls. In the eighteenth century the Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo of Lorena introduced new laws concerning the establishment of new cemeteries which had to be far from the inhabited areas. Abiding by these laws the Misericordia bought a suitable field which was far from the inhabited area at that time but it has merged into the city nowadays.
The cemetery was solemnly inaugurated with the funeral of the first deceased in 1839. The cemetery has an oratory and a semi circular porch made up of an order of columns as to embrace the visitors. The Cemetery has been designed by the engineer Paolo Veraci, followed later on by Gaetano Baccani. In 1878 engineer Angelo Maiorfi is charged with completing the building works by adding two new cells on the sides, along with a new Neoclassical Entrance which is adorned by two angel statues carved by the sculptor Odoardo Fantachiotti.
Throughout its lifespan of 60 years, from 1839 until 1898, within which Florence has been capital of Italy, many personalities have been buried at Pinti Cemetery, among them Emilio De Fabbris the project creator of the facade of Florence Dome Santa Maria del Fiore, the painter Michele Rapisardi, the painter Pietro Dazzi founder of Scuole del Popolo, the marquis Carlo Strozzi, historian and archaeologist, Massimiliano Giarré, humanist and patriot, Teodulo Mabellini, musician, Cesare Guasti archivist at Opera del Duomo, Silvestro Leopardi, Senatore Regno, Vincenzo Batelli, editor and typographer, Giuseppe Barellai, paediatrician and founder of children summer camps and Giovanni Baldasseroni, Italian politician.
In 1898 the Venerable Brotherhood of Misericordia decided to close the Pinti Cemetery and to open another much wider cemetery which was more appropriate to the times. Since then the Pinti Cemetery is opened only to those who want to greet their beloved ones.
Since last year guided tours are organised to allow interested people to visit the cemetery.
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